I think my chickens ate Poison/ poisoned bugs!! Are the eggs safe?


Mar 5, 2015
We live on a couple acres with my in-laws. Since this is their property I don't have much say in things. Last week they sprayed their house and my brother in laws place for bugs and put out ant poison on few mounds. They told me this a few days later and casually mentioned that they think my chickens Ate the Poison off the ant hills!!!
(He is an old time farmer who still believes Round Up is safe enough to drink)
Then they sprayed around our house because he was concerned about the ants coming in the house. .....
My birds have a coop and run that is suffcient for them but this time of year there is not any foraging left and with our land available we let them out to run the property from time to time. They were out when the poison was sprayed at the other houses and "got" out right after ours was.... SO they were eating dead/ poinsoned bugs!!
I was able put them away fairly quickly and all the birds seem to be doing ok themselves. Its been few days so not really worried about them anymore. BUT I AM WORRIED ABOUT EATING THE EGGS..... PLEASE someone Help!! I have been trying look all over internet and cannot find good source of information on this.... How LONG do I have to wait til safe eat again? Will it really cause us any harm? I mean we eat all kinds of "junk" from store foods and non organic/ GMO foods, how different is this??
If you are so worry I think that before you start collecting eggs to eat, add 10 days as withdrawal time before eating them, since substances can be deposited in an egg as long as 10 days before it is laid.

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