Immaculate conception and goats

LOL MTchick !
It is not immaculate conception, just a smart pair of goats who are very determined to do what is natural to them. Goats are not hard to care for at all. Not in my opinion. I have learned from the bottom up when I basically rescued a couple of Nigerian Dwarves a year or so ago and now I have 11. There is some work to caring for them, with hoof trimming and all, but the health care is pretty much like other livestock. Sorry to hear about this situation but it does happen more than you know. Most people have no idea that goats, or any other animal can breed through a fence that way. At least something good came from it. Tell your husband that some things just can't be explained the way a man needs for it to be explained and leave it at that, ha ha.

Lol, Marie

MTchick, I would name it Jesus, cause thats what I was aiming for, but, its a girl!! I had decided to call it Mary OR Miracle, byt the first choice out of my mouth was Mary!

I personally don't think goats are hard to raise either, I have never had to trim hooves or anything yet, I have pieces of concrete in there for them to jump on and that must be working pretty well. I have only had two sick, and I have had them for about 4 years now.The one time I got the momma better, this last time, I did not suceed, even with the help of a vet. Even the vet wasn't sure what was the matter with her, he prescribed me to worm her, gave me Pen-G to give her, increase her feed to Equine senior, she was REALLY thin. She also had sores on her teats and lost both kids. Vet thought she might had mastitis, which is why he gave me the Pen -G. We still ended up losing her. All the rest of the 4 years we havent had any problems with the goats. I have more problems with sick chickens than goats! LOL.

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