Integrating 12 week old chicks

Lynn R

Apr 7, 2021
I have 3 two yr old hens and am integrating 2 twelve week old chicks. I have had them in a pen next to the run for a while, then in the run, but separate. They are now in the run with the older 3 hens. They are Americaunas.
My Buff Orpington goes after them off and on all day. No serious damage, but it’s been 4 solid days of this and the chicks won’t really leave the corner of the run.
Is this normal? Will it end??
Photos of your set up? How large is the run? How many feeders are available, and are they placed far apart with dividers to block eyesight from one to the next? Any clutter?
Two separate feeders and waterers, but no dividers. Photos are of the run and coop and then we built a channel that goes to a shady area that is 8x8’. The run is about 4x10. The little ones like being up on the rack, other wise, that’s all that is in there. The other hens come and go between the run and shady area, the chicks stay in their corner. I have not put them into the coop at night. Thanks for the reply!


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Two separate feeders and waterers, but no dividers. Photos are of the run and coop and then we built a channel that goes to a shady area that is 8x8’. The run is about 4x10. The little ones like being up on the rack, other wise, that’s all that is in there. The other hens come and go between the run and shady area, the chicks stay in their corner. I have not put them into the coop at night. Thanks for the reply!
Do the littles ever go to the 8x8 area? Is that area open all day for the flock to use?

The really tough part with your set up is this is very difficult for the littles to get away from the adults. The total sq ft of the run assuming you include the 8x8 space is enough for 5 birds. But the original run is too small overall, plus too narrow. The hens have a personal bubble of about 5-6', and when the littles get within that distance that may prompt a chase or attack - with the run being only 4' wide, you can see the problem there.

The chunnel is obviously narrow as well, so if the littles can make it to the 8x8 space that gives them more room to work with. However lack of clutter means they have no hiding places to shelter if they get chased. But as you can imagine, clutter eats up floor space, so it's tricky to add clutter when you're lacking sq footage. But I'd see about putting out an extra feeder out there just to give them the option

The best solution would be to widen the entire original run so birds can keep apart if needed and to provide enough space to add additional clutter.
Thank you
Do the littles ever go to the 8x8 area? Is that area open all day for the flock to use?

The really tough part with your set up is this is very difficult for the littles to get away from the adults. The total sq ft of the run assuming you include the 8x8 space is enough for 5 birds. But the original run is too small overall, plus too narrow. The hens have a personal bubble of about 5-6', and when the littles get within that distance that may prompt a chase or attack - with the run being only 4' wide, you can see the problem there.

The chunnel is obviously narrow as well, so if the littles can make it to the 8x8 space that gives them more room to work with. However lack of clutter means they have no hiding places to shelter if they get chased. But as you can imagine, clutter eats up floor space, so it's tricky to add clutter when you're lacking sq footage. But I'd see about putting out an extra feeder out there just to give them the option

The best solution would be to widen the entire original run so birds can keep apart if needed and to provide enough space to add additional clutter.
I’m going thru the same thing right now. Have you had any change? Are the littles seeming less terrified yet?
I isolated the bully for three days, to no improvement. ☹️ there is no blood or injuries, and the littles have actually made it into the coop at night all by themselves with all 3 big hens in there! I would call that improvement. They still cower in the corner, but are eating and drinking. My guess is I need a thicker skin and they will be fine😂 hope yours are ok as well!!!

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