Is it AWFUL for ducks to drink dirty water


Mar 30, 2018
OK so, we just got 2 one month old ducklings and I've tried three different ways to give them water - I started with just a bowl, bad idea. I then bought one of those automatic dog waterers with the jug on top, it's cheap and doesn't work well, maybe I'll buy a nicer one, not sure yet. They still get it muddy. This morning I tried to make one of those jugs with the side cut out and I slit my finger open because I was in a rush, I'm also not convinced with this idea as it doesn't hold all that much water.... we are gone for 8 hours a day and I don't want them to run out. Granted they do have a mini pool of water to play in that they could drink if needed. My boyfriend thinks I'm doing too much, he says "they're ducks, if they were out in the wild they wouldn't be drinking clean faucet water" so I shouldn't worry so much about clean water. What are everyone's thoughts? Is he right? Should I stop worrying so much?
Yes, he is lol..ducks are very messy...
Mine had 2 large stainless dog bowls of water AND a small bucket of water when they got bigger. Despite changing the water morning and night it always looked dirty. That's just the way they are but loads of fun
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Mine either empty or block their five gallon waterer in two days and it gets dirty in two minutes. They have a small plastic dog pool to drink out of if they need to and even though it gets dirty quickly they’ve never had a problem if I can’t get out there to clean it for like a week. Therefore, I don’t think you should worry about it at all. As long as their pool gets cleaned every now and then they’ll be fine.
Hi!!! I have had that thought before and this is a great post!!!! To start off: they are ducks. They do not mind a mess no matter how much you think they do. When they drink/eat they take a mouthful of food(they can not chew...they have no teeth)dunk it in the water and swallow. Therefore how is the water not going to nasty? It will, and you should give them fresh water daily, but whenever you look at the water bowls don't freak out. My ducks water is probably nasty right now cuz of food, but it is going to get nasty and that is ok! Well good luck with the water!!!!!

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