Ivermectin use in cats?

I've always fed Scaredy dog food supplemented with meat scraps from the table, and she's done well. A month or so ago I wasn't satisfied with her coat and physical appearance so I bought some cat food. The higher protein level has made a difference, and she has gained weight and improved condition. She is really enjoying her heated house and doesn't spend much time outside unless it's a sunny day.
Awwww that’s awesome!!!
On the way back from the airport, the limo driver started talking about his feral cat and how he was concerned with the dropping temperatures. I then told him about Scaredy and how we had provided her a house and heating pad. I then asked if he would like to see her accommodations. I showed him her house and the heavy duty heating pad, told him how to locate them on line, and sent him home with plans for his cat.
On the way back from the airport, the limo driver started talking about his feral cat and how he was concerned with the dropping temperatures. I then told him about Scaredy and how we had provided her a house and heating pad. I then asked if he would like to see her accommodations. I showed him her house and the heavy duty heating pad, told him how to locate them on line, and sent him home with plans for his cat.
That’s awesome!!!

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