lead poisoning risk?


Aug 16, 2019
Hi everyone!
We purchased a small coop a couple of months ago that arrived with a lead exposure warning on the box. Of course, I panicked, but the person I applied to have a chicken permit from assured me that it was okay while she was inspecting my coop. My chickens have started laying eggs (just found out today! yaaay), but I'm afraid they may be contaminated with lead. What do yall think?

We purchased a small coop a couple of months ago that arrived with a lead exposure warning on the box.
Got a pic of the label, and brand model of coop?

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It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
I can't get pictures right now as it is dark out, and we, unfortunately, threw the box away after putting the coop together. I believe the lead must be in the wire mesh around the small run area if there is any in it. Only one hen has started laying (though I can't figure out which one. I believe it is my Welsummer). The eggs are about the size of when you put your pointer and thumb together and are white, with a healthy shell. Both my chickens haven't shown any signs of chronic or acute lead poisoning but I don't know if I'm just not monitoring them hard enough. I'm not sure if my parents will let me buy a lead testing kit (they thought I was being hysterical when I completely panicked over the lead warning and joke about it a lot, saying that I freak out over nothing). Am I just being overly panicky like I usually am?
I'm not sure if my parents will let me buy a lead testing kit (they thought I was being hysterical when I completely panicked over the lead warning and joke about it a lot, saying that I freak out over nothing). Am I just being overly panicky like I usually am?

I wouldn't be worried about it unless you think you have legitimate cause to be worried about it, like if you know you have lead in your soil, your chickens have been eating old paint chips, etc. Like I said, the lead warning is on EVERYTHING nowadays and does not necessarily mean an item is dangerous to use.


I personally trust the food I produce, whether eggs or vegetables or the meals I make, over anything I can buy from a store or a restaurant, because I have more control over what goes into it.
My chickens don't eat the wire of course since it doesn't flake, but I'm still worried that just being around the wire will make them ill. Also aart, could I ask how I can tell if the wire has a galvanized coating?

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