leghorn/orpington cross-does anyone have them?


10 Years
Jul 19, 2009
Palmerston North
I bought some chicks a few weeks ago and they are suppose to be white leghorns. However it turns out that they might be crossed with black orpingtons as black feathers are coming through. How I came to that conclusion is that the people who sold them have orpington though they have ignored my email since my purchase.

SO I am asking for some ideas from who has this cross and can tell me what the cross is like? Good natured, good layer? Well this is what I hope.
A lot of white leghorns have black feathers. Both of my Ideal 236 Leghorns are about 95% white, with black specks on them.

If it is a cross, I bet it would be a great layer. My Orpingtons give me large brown eggs almost every day. So White egg layer mixed with Brown egg layer might give light brown, tan, or tinted eggs.
Leghorns and Orpingtons are both great layers, and Orpingtons have good personalities. I would guess they'd be great!
Really? I am very new to keeping chickens, just last month in fact with my hatched blue silkie which is very attached to me.

I will load up a picture when I get a chance and see what you think?
Are the birds mostly white with small black flecks or are they more evenly spread with entire black feathers?

You can see some leghorns, including exchequers, on this page.

Sorry I forgot to put link. http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/CGK/Leghorns/BRKLeghorns.html

black flecks are characteristic of birds carrying only one dominant white gene. Would commonly be seen on white leghorn crosses.

Exchequer is an extreme form of mottling, possibly with other genes.
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They have a few black feathers clustered together and their legs are starting to show green patches. I am a little concerned but that is normal, isn't it?
I'd love to see your pics...I don't know about those green patches you described...

Are your pictures already on your computer? If so, click on Uploads near the top of this page. That will open a new window. Click on "Browse" to find the pic you want to use, choose it, and click Submit. You should get 2 different URL's to paste, one for a Thumbnail, and one for an Image. Copy the Image URL.

Come back to this window...if you haven't already, click Reply, and paste the URL into your message.

Let me know if you have any problems...
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Thanks for that TXmum. Got it to work as you can see.

Check the black feathers at the tail end. The pattern of the feathering is quite similar to orpington I thought eventhough it is white.

What do you think?
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