Lethargic hen with runny nose and closed eye! help!!


May 18, 2023
Hello everyone, one of my previous posts had to do with the same hen who is having problems now. A little context, she hasn’t laid since 2nd April which is unusual since she lays 4 times a week. She is a Hyline hen (egg production breed) and is almost 2 years old. I’m contemplating on what’s wrong with her as there’s so many possible things she could be having. I ruled out it being cocci or her being egg bound or broody. The flock has been dewormed with corid and roundworm treatment 1-2 weeks back and there’s no signs or parasites or worms. None of the other chickens are sick or displaying odd behaviors. NOTE: my flock has mycoplasma and hasn’t had a flare up in a while except this hen perhaps. Now her symptoms, she’s lethargic and constantly sleeping with her head in her wings, clear liquid/snot coming from her nostrils, one of her eyes remains shut but dosent have visible injuries, weight loss,loss of appetite,gurgling/snoring sounds when breathing? I’ve given her amoxicillin antibiotics as that’s what someone recommended on the previous thread to do with her. BTW I’m in the UK and don’t have much access to American poultry/farming treatments. Any advice will help! Thanks!! :)
Have you given her the moxi for at least a week? It's usually recommended 7 to 10 days.

Since you dewormed them and had them on Corid, I'd give all of them probiotics for a couple of weeks. Sugar-free Greek yogurt is high, but they also make powders for in their water. This isn't going to cure the respiratory/cold symptoms but at least it will help their gut flora, crop issues, and prevent her from getting gleet.

Is she on a layer feed where she's getting some calcium?
my flock has mycoplasma and hasn’t had a flare up in a while except this hen perhaps. Now her symptoms, she’s lethargic and constantly sleeping with her head in her wings, clear liquid/snot coming from her nostrils, one of her eyes remains shut but dosent have visible injuries, weight loss,loss of appetite,gurgling/snoring sounds when breathing? I’ve given her amoxicillin antibiotics as that’s what someone recommended on the previous thread to do with her. BTW I’m in the UK
NOTE: my flock has mycoplasma
Since you are in the U.K. contact your vet and see if they can give you meds to treat symptoms of Mycoplasma.

Amoxicillin is not effective against Mycoplasma, it has no cell wall.

You've got MG in your flock, so use whatever medication(s) you've used before to treat her. Common meds are Tylan/Tylosin, Tiamulin and Tetracyclines - your vet can get you a script for the right one.

Flush the eye with saline, clean out any bubbles, debris or pus. Keep mucous wiped away.

In your 2 previous threads, you didn't mention Mycoplasma being an issue with your flock. If this is the same hen, then likely she's having a flare.

Work on hydration, then see if she will eat for you. Hopefully you can get the right medication soon.

Have you given her the moxi for at least a week? It's usually recommended 7 to 10 days.

Since you dewormed them and had them on Corid, I'd give all of them probiotics for a couple of weeks. Sugar-free Greek yogurt is high, but they also make powders for in their water. This isn't going to cure the respiratory/cold symptoms but at least it will help their gut flora, crop issues, and prevent her from getting gleet.

Is she on a layer feed where she's getting some calcium?
The amoxicillin is 500mg, I only started treatment yesterday. I’ll give her some yogurt too :) my flock have flubenvet layers pellets which include dewormer in it but I also just give regular layers pellets
Since you are in the U.K. contact your vet and see if they can give you meds to treat symptoms of Mycoplasma.

Amoxicillin is not effective against Mycoplasma, it has no cell wall.

You've got MG in your flock, so use whatever medication(s) you've used before to treat her. Common meds are Tylan/Tylosin, Tiamulin and Tetracyclines - your vet can get you a script for the right one.

Flush the eye with saline, clean out any bubbles, debris or pus. Keep mucous wiped away.

In your 2 previous threads, you didn't mention Mycoplasma being an issue with your flock. If this is the same hen, then likely she's having a flare.

Work on hydration, then see if she will eat for you. Hopefully you can get the right medication soon.

Do you know what strand of mycoplasma she may be having? Her limbs are fine, she can walk proper just didn’t because she’s lethargic? BTW there’s no vet in my area that can take care of poultry, getting antibiotics is very difficult. Also with her eye, there’s nothing wrong with it. no bubbles,pus,discharge she just keeps it closed. It’s the same eye of the same hen from my previous thread (suspected ocular mareks) I’ll still give her the saline wash. Do you know how to make it and is normal table salt containing anti bake agents bad?
Do you know what strand of mycoplasma she may be having? Her limbs are fine, she can walk proper just didn’t because she’s lethargic? BTW there’s no vet in my area that can take care of poultry, getting antibiotics is very difficult. Also with her eye, there’s nothing wrong with it. no bubbles,pus,discharge she just keeps it closed. It’s the same eye of the same hen from my previous thread (suspected ocular mareks) I’ll still give her the saline wash. Do you know how to make it and is normal table salt containing anti bake agents bad?
You mentioned you have Mycoplasma within your flock, did you have testing?

You should be able to find diy saline recipes online, you can use table salt.

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