Locust tree seed pods, Poison?


12 Years
Aug 26, 2007
Longmont, CO
Are the seed pods (looks like bacons) from a locust tree ok for chickens? I want to use the leaves for their run, but was afraid the pods might be poison
All parts of these trees can be poisonous. The level of toxicity varies by species and different parts of the tree but the poison is found at some level in all of them. You should not allow animals to eat too many locusts pods or leaves.
When I went out hunting for mushrooms many years ago, I told a much more knowledgeable friend that I had no idea which were the poisonous mushrooms out in the woods. He said, "You don't really need to know all the poisonous mushrooms. You need to know the one you are picking really, really well."

Unfortunately, we don't always know the safe plants or anything else really, really well. And chickens, bird-brains that they are, never talked to my wise friend, nor any wise friends, nor (in the case of the pullets that live in my backyard) even to older and wiser chickens . . .

Black locust have poisonous seeds. And, perhaps other parts of them are toxic, as well. (The darn thorns sure do hurt. :eek:)

Honey locust trees are not of the same genus and species as black locust.

Fortunately, and even tho' there are black locust growing on my property line with the birds out in the yard frequently - they just haven't shown any sign that they are poisoning themselves by eating the seeds. The pods and seeds are just everywhere under those trees.

I would NOT rake those seedpods and put them in their pen. No telling how many seeds would be eaten out of sheer boredom.

Here is a website that I've just come across from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis. The plants on this list "are generally believed to be safe." You will see Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos).

If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, there is a link to "Toxic Plants." If you look thru that list you will find Black locust.

I think these university webpages can be very helpful. (Personally, it makes me happier looking thru the Safe Plants list

Honey locusts is at the safest end of this group of trees and shrubs and parts of the pods are actually completely edible. I still wouldn't purposely feed them honey locusts pods or leaves but I don't freak over the ones that fall in my horse pasture. The problem is the trees can look very similar so unless you know for certain it's a honey locust and not a black locust I would not encourage eating of any parts of the tree.
I had one of the thorns come up through my boot when I was out hunting >.< It hurts like beep. Went about 2 inches into my foot right in the middle. Hope this never happens to you.
Ask the deer I shot the other day with about 10 pods in his mouth how poisonous they are. He is real yummy!!!!!!!!
My dog got a hold of some. Aside from the fact that his poop scared the...well...the crap out of me, I didn't see any adverse reaction. He had a bit more gas than usual and his poop had the seeds still in it (black poop with black pods-freaky stuff!).
I have got 5 Polish Bantams. I also have about seven Black Locust trees in my backyard (near the run). Since the leaves have dropped and got into their outdoor cage I have noticed strange behavior. I'm am pretty sure that one of my hens has some paralysis or at least some severe depression. She hasn't left her nest in at least a day. Does anyone know what I can do. I removed all the leaves from their area I could.

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