Looking for advice on electric fence to deter fox


Araucana enthusiast
5 Years
Mar 16, 2016
North Central IN
My Coop
My Coop
Yesterday morning I awoke to a fox circling my chicken run. I pounded on the window, he ran off. I ran downstairs and got my gun, went out the back and as I got to the end of the deck the brazen fox was running off again. I laid down on the deck and he came back 10 minutes later. Between being half asleep, half blind, and running on 100% adrenal I couldn't find the safety on a gun I shot a hundred times. As I was fumbling around I looked up and made eye contact with the fox, and he ran off and did not return. I'm afraid now that he saw me he's going to step up his game and be harder to hunt.

I have a fully enclosed run. Six feet tall, surrounded by steel fence with chicken wire zip tied across the bigger squares of the fence and the top is covered in deer fence. The fence is buried 5-6" into the ground, HOWEVER, over time the girls have scratched away the soil on the inside of the fence by about 2" so I know it is not as secure as it once was. I have decided to put up electric fencing on the outside of the existing fence, as I have read this is a great deterrent.

What is the best strategy for the fence, as in how high, how many strands, how much distance between strands, wire vs tape, and should I stagger it outward since fox like to dig? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Rats sometimes get in my chicken coop and we set traps but we are not catching any! I don't want to set poison traps because the chickens may eat them..what do I do?!

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