Looking for ideas on button quail homes!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 29, 2011
I am fairly new to this (maybe someone can link me to a previous post) but I am building a nice cage for my button pairs (seperate divisions so each pair has their own area) and going to display it in my living room! I'd like to see how you all decorate your buttons living quarters! I am thinking of using sand in a few of them, but wanted to see what type of hiding places you've created for them! Any ideas and pictures are greatly appreciated!
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I use little hamster houses for each living quarters. The birds stand on them, lay their eggs inside them, some hens lay eggs behind them. Some people use fake plants which are easy to bleach and reuse as well.
I tried the little fake plants with mine but they just tore them up. So all they had were little hamster/mouse 'huts' to hide and lay eggs in.

Google youtube, there's one video on there that shows a bunch of buttons in something like a 75 gal. fish tank? That thing is really decorated, it's beautiful the way they have it done.
@ quailladyoffortmyers: I like the little hamster houses idea!
What do you think about me designing something similar with cardboard? I also like the fake plants idea (easy to clean)!

@shelleyd2008: Lets hope mine are not into tearing up plants!
That will make me sad!

@xchairity_casex: I like that idea/picture that you shared and can’t wait until some with experience comments!
Thanks for sharing the idea!
use sawdust sand is going to be a pain to clean and it will hold moisture that will induce mold just give them a sand box and a fake plant i will post my setup.
I use the hamster huts, but also flower pots turned on their side-- both clay and plastic. I also use plastic food "jars"...the ones that chocolate covered raisins and nuts come in at Costco. Sometimes I will hot glue gun greenery to them. I took small clay pots, filled them with plaster of Paris and stuck silk plants in it. They have a little height so the BQ can get in under the plants. This way I can easily remove the greens to wash without having to untwist them from cage bars. All my button quails share cages with finches, so my greens can get a bit soiled. After rereading this post it's obvious I'm just a bit too crafty

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