Looking Ragged


In the Brooder
May 15, 2023
Hi All,

We noticed a couple days ago that one of our girls is looking a bit ragged. She’s got some bald patches on her wing and breast and we can’t seem to figure out why. She is still laying and doesn’t seem ill, but wanted to ask the group. She’s not a year yet, so seems too young for a molt, we’ve not seen her getting picked on or picking on herself, and we don’t notice any mites. Her flock mates all seem fine, any ideas? Pics below. Thank you!


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Overcrowding/not enough roosting space inside the coop can be an issue. There's a pecking order when they roost. Perhaps she's at the bottom of the pecking order when roosting and she's being picked or pecked on to move elsewhere on the roost. Check it out after they roost for the night, then the following night also and maybe you can see what's going on.
Overcrowding/not enough roosting space inside the coop can be an issue. There's a pecking order when they roost. Perhaps she's at the bottom of the pecking order when roosting and she's being picked or pecked on to move elsewhere on the roost. Check it out after they roost for the night, then the following night also and maybe you can see what's going on.
Thanks for the help! Really appreciate the advice here.

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