Medical Tourism - Flew to Prague For Eye Surgery

glad you found them
So who took care of the chickens while you were gone :D
my mom lives in a " granny unit" attached to my house oh, so she was able to do the basic stuff

Wow! Simply amazing!

Have you had any issues? Do you have to travel back for a follow up?
I haven't really had any issues, at least nothing that wasn't expected, like halos around bright lights. My eyes do get tired after a long day looking at the computer, but I suspect that should reduce when I'm done taking the medicated eye drops and have healed completely.

I'm working with my local optometrist to do follow-up visits and exams. He said that I'm healing really well and quickly!
Everything still going well with the eyes @Nifty-Chicken ?
Thanks for asking! :)

Optometrist said I'm "an amazing healer"... which is good ;)

Overall I'm very happy with the results. It's great not dealing with glasses or contacts.

Two main downsides (not sure if permanent or not):
  1. Vision is a little blurry looking at my computer and other things. Dr. said it's partially due to the removal of my myopia which was kinda "postponing" the effects of issues that arise with people around my age (44). So, now that my myopia is fixed, I'm "seeing" more of the impacts of not being near-sighted. So, I may need reading glasses a little earlier than I did before.
  2. Eyes are often very tired, dry, sore. This could be partially created by the above... it might also be making the above worse.
I ordered some progressive reading glasses to wear at my computer, so hopefully that will help with one or both :)
Tired dry sore eyes can be a result of staring at a computer screen for a long time. Remember to blink more often. Get some moisturizing gel eye drops and use them every couple hours. Gel lasts longer and is easier to apply than drops.
Thanks, I'll look into it!

I guess it's just a little frustrating that I didn't have these symptoms before :(
Tired dry sore eyes can be a result of staring at a computer screen for a long time. Remember to blink more often. Get some moisturizing gel eye drops and use them every couple hours. Gel lasts longer and is easier to apply than drops.
Something else to do is to look up from your computer often. Stare into the distance for a minute. My grandfather was an optometrist and told me that trick with reading books.
My old boss wears gaming glasses when doing a lot of working on computers. They help with the blurry, and he had an issue with one of his monitors where it was flickering and doing odd things but it didn't bother him when he was wearing the glasses to the way they filter.
I've never heard of gaming glasses.
How are they different from regular glasses?

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