Miss Pretty attacked with no beak! How to feed? PLEASE HELP

UPDATE: Miss Pretty is doing wonderful and eating on her own! She is such a GREAT chicken! She has been through it all! She is now eating worms and she LOVES her spinach, strawberries with whipped cream of course! Sonny did a GREAT job at feeding and washing her to health! He truly saved her life! I couldn't bear looking at her try and eat but its getting a little easier now since I know she can and WILL live. SHe will always have to be treated differently and I don't think she will ever be able to be put into my flock but what I was thinking is gettingbt5fv4r some chicks and have them grow up with her! What do you guys think about what to do so shes not lonely? When we put her outside (in a dog crate) she sees the other chickens and wants out of the cage sooo bad! Now that breaks my heart. I have 3 chickens left in my flock and the oldest is approx 4 yrs old maybe older. So Im too afraid to put her out with them with no defense. So any suggestions would be GREAT! Thank you all for your input! I will send pics of Miss Pretty soon.Ill get a video of Sonny feeding her. He still feeds her just to make sure she is getting enough. Dr. Doolittle I call him lol
Oh amazing I am so glad
what I would do is get her some bantam lady friends (bantam so they can't hurt her in the same way a chicken her size or bigger could) you could get chicks but their is a chance of a Cockerell and unless she goes broody and thinks they are hers she will hurt/kill the chicks
I would recommend pekin bantams they are so calm and sweet (in my experience) my little sister (she was 4-5 at the time) could go in the pen and get one and I was not worried about her even with the cockell in their
Good luck hope you can get her some friends
UPDATE: Miss Pretty is doing wonderful and eating on her own! She is such a GREAT chicken! She has been through it all! She is now eating worms and she LOVES her spinach, strawberries with whipped cream of course! Sonny did a GREAT job at feeding and washing her to health! He truly saved her life! I couldn't bear looking at her try and eat but its getting a little easier now since I know she can and WILL live. SHe will always have to be treated differently and I don't think she will ever be able to be put into my flock but what I was thinking is gettingbt5fv4r some chicks and have them grow up with her! What do you guys think about what to do so shes not lonely? When we put her outside (in a dog crate) she sees the other chickens and wants out of the cage sooo bad! Now that breaks my heart. I have 3 chickens left in my flock and the oldest is approx 4 yrs old maybe older. So Im too afraid to put her out with them with no defense. So any suggestions would be GREAT! Thank you all for your input! I will send pics of Miss Pretty soon.Ill get a video of Sonny feeding her. He still feeds her just to make sure she is getting enough. Dr. Doolittle I call him lol
Omg your hubby and you are angels! Thanks for the update and it's great to see she's doing OK. I agree with others - she can't go back in with the flock šŸ˜” but it's amazing how well she's doing šŸ’•ā¤ļø
you can get food and mix it with warm water to make a mash and get some on your finger and try sitting in her mouth. get a syringe for water you can just squirt it gently into her mouth

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