My Chicken Has Blue Eyes - Does Yours?

I'm curious. If this is a mutation, it should be looked into! This gene is not documented if it's genetic. I wonder if it's linked to dilution in the skin/feathers like it often is in dogs? Either way those of you with the blue eyed birds should do some dominance tests and see if you can get it to breed true after a few generations. This would be very exciting if it were a newer gene.
I have a several with beautiful blue eyes. I'd be willing to have some dominance testing. I just don't know how.
I have a several with beautiful blue eyes. I'd be willing to have some dominance testing. I just don't know how.

All you'd have to do is breed the ones with blue eyes with a few outgroup birds and see how often the trait appears in the offspring. I have a feeling it is recessive or even linked to other color genes.

What color/patterns are your blue eyes birds?
Bumping post - anyone out there have blue eyed chickens like this? Please share pics if you do!
I just posted about an Easter egger chicki have with blue eyes.
I've never seen this!
It's my first Easter eggers, so an researching and i am member here so came here first.

I found a fly-by article about Marek's causing blue eyes.
I'm doing further research now
Hi 👋🏻
I have 3 chicks with blue eyes. 2 Easter Eggers & a Plymouth Barred Rock.
JUN_6615 Jess Blue eye .jpg
My Lavender Orpington has light blue eyes! The goose has them too lol

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