My flock doesn’t like kids LOL.


Jun 30, 2020
Southern New Jersey
Soooo my husband and I don’t have children so I never realized this until my neighbor came by with her daughter who ran up to greet my duck I was holding ... who wanted none of it. And then one of my chickens ran at her 😳. I feel so bad. I guess they’re not really around children they are freaked out maybe by them. Totally shocked me. Anyone else have this happen. They’re super friendly birds otherwise LOL.
Soooo my husband and I don’t have children so I never realized this until my neighbor came by with her daughter who ran up to greet my duck I was holding ... who wanted none of it. And then one of my chickens ran at her 😳. I feel so bad. I guess they’re not really around children they are freaked out maybe by them. Totally shocked me. Anyone else have this happen. They’re super friendly birds otherwise LOL.

They're not so dumb. If I were the size of a chicken, I wouldn't like children either.
My little sister was 7 when I first got my chickens (and ducks.) She was always supervised, but as the chickens got a little older, they wanted none of the screaming and chasing she tried to do.

When you’re a chicken and you meet a tiny little monster who yells at and runs after you, you are gonna do everything you can to keep it away from you!

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