Lazy Farmer

Gallus gallus domesticus
7 Years
Feb 28, 2017
Florida Peninsula
My Coop
My Coop
Hello! :frow I have a story, Question & Photos.


Once upon a time (2 yrs ago), this Hen randomly appears on our farm. Out of the blue without notice, we have a small breed chicken roaming the farm. It was behaving feral and very nervous & un-trusting to any human or to any of our chickens for that matter. To this day it is very kiddish but a lot more trusting in us, the grains providers.
This bird that has claimed refuge on our farm refuses to go into the big house at the end of the day. As the Sun sets everyday, our flocks mosey slowly to their indoor protected perches, while our refugee hen fly's straight up into a big fluffy tree by our barn. This has been her sleeping quarters for the last 2 yrs. Through freezing winters and rainy summers. Can't change her mind. She does what she wants to do. There has been some exceptions to the tree top sleeping quarters periodically when she goes into laying mode. Then she will build a nest, lay a clutch and go hard broody. I have robbed the eggs from the nest once and incubated them successfully and got a half dozen hens who only lay certain times of the year. Just like Moma.
Since then, a second bird of they same species arrived the same way recently. No phone calls, no warning- just.. "Hi I'm here!".
BUT, the second one is adapting to domestication faster. She's only been here maybe 3 months but going every night inside the big house with the natives, like she's one of the gang. Second hen is a little yellower than the first bird. But obviously the same breed. Both have perfect health, keep a beautiful down and seem to have just moved in and it's like they are pretty content with their new geographical location and housing arrangements. Never a dull moment.


What in the world is she? I've googled, smoogled & duck duck go-ed.. but still perplexed. So I'm asking all the BYC Chicken Mathematicians to give me a hand in ending this mystery we've been in the middle of for 2 yrs and counting..



Thanks in advance for your input.

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