Necropsy photos after death from suspected crop/gizzard impaction? Yellow fluid through intestines *GRAPHIC*


6 Years
Jul 7, 2017
**Graphic pics**
Looking for insight from anyone who may have knowledge to share! My favorite little hen (9 month old Orpington) died on Monday night and I attempted a basic necropsy (my first time).

Her symptoms: 3 days before death she seemed slightly less active first thing in the morning, so I checked her crop, which was very full. Assumed impaction and started massaging regularly. She was drinking a good amount of water. Next day, crop had reduced somewhat and she seemed more active and happy. The following day (Sunday) she got progressively worse through the day but I was still massaging the crop which was now softer than the first day. By roosting time, she was very listless and not wanting to drink. I figured she might pass during the night, which is what happened. I was really surprised by the quick change from the day before.
Kept her body in the snow and then performed necropsy on Tuesday afternoon. I expected her crop to have something more obviously causing issue, although it was quite full.
*3 things that stood out:
- gizzard almost seemed to have stopped moving things through? - Proventriculus had an almost black colored substance inside.
- Throughout most of her intestines was a bright yellow fluid. Maybe infection?

I know that only a proper necropsy would give answers but unfortunately that wasn't an option in my area.

Thank you all for any insight đź’™



Was there much fat inside the body? The liver color looks abnormal for sure. Do you have poultry granite grit for digestion? Do you use a balanced chicken feed? It looks like a lot of scratch grains in the crop and gizzard. The yellow sure looks like yolk, so maybe there was a reproductive problem or internal laying. Otherwise, I don’t have any advice.
What about her poop as she was coming down sick? Was it yellow and foamy?

The yellow fluid in the intestine can indicate bacterial infection.
I didn't notice any abnormal poops beforehand. The ones I did see while she was sick were very small and watery, but no yellow. A bit more green than usual. The last poop I saw her pass the day she died, shot out and looked like mostly pure water.
Was there much fat inside the body? The liver color looks abnormal for sure. Do you have poultry granite grit for digestion? Do you use a balanced chicken feed? It looks like a lot of scratch grains in the crop and gizzard. The yellow sure looks like yolk, so maybe there was a reproductive problem or internal laying. Otherwise, I don’t have any advice.
I really didn't notice any excessive amounts of fat. They are on a balanced 18% layer feed and get some whole grains once per day. They have access to the outside where there's lots of gravel, sand etc. But I also thought that large accumulation of grains in her crop was not good. I agree, the yellow fluid definitely looked like yolk.

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