New Rabbit... might be ill


12 Years
Mar 14, 2007
My brother brought home a rabbit that he found on the side of the road. He thought it was wild but to me it looks domestic. It has an agouti coat but its much lighter than wild coloring. Its ears are much longer and its bigger in size than any local wild rabbits. Its a doe and it appears to be young but is an adult. Her friendly and relaxed demeaner also make me think she is a domestic pet.

I believe she has a respiratory infection. She is quite thin which I assume is from being loose and not being fed. She sniffles and breathes heavily. I havn't looked in her mouth or nostrils yet because I didn't want to stress her. I put her in a small travel crate with a bowl of food and water and put it in my chicken coop. I will examen her more tomorrow and see what I can do. I really can't afford taking her to a vet right now so I'd like to see what I can do first. If it seems to be getting worse I will take her though. Any suggestions on what to do? I have bred and kept rabbits in the past but have never encountered a RI before please help.
I called a friend of mine who s a breeder who at one time had 200+ rabbits. She said she'd check the rabbit out the next day but unfortunately the rabbit died before she got there. I have found that when rabbits become ill they don't show any symtoms until its really late. She went down hill really fast. I fed her last night and put her in a new crate with fresh hay. She hopped over and started munching on the hay and acted fine. She must have been a lot sicker than she looked. Its really sad, I was excited about having another rabbit around.
I'm sorry you lost your doe. Rabbits are good at concealing their pain or illness. I've had 3 house rabbits over the years and I lost my first buck very shortly after I discovered he looked a little off. I hope your rabbit breeder friend finds you another little companion.

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