One chicken killed every day - picture of predator's footprints included. Help identifying?

In pic 2 and 3 is that one track or two side by side? One track in a staight line --fox. Two side by side in a straight line --Mink. Can you see nails/marks in the track? No nails think cat.
I kinda lean away from the cat theory only because I see my cats tracks all over the farm in the snow and they just dont match cats tracks have such little round toes and their palm pads are little round balls....from the pic which is hard to see in general, it looks like a very wide paw with larger round toes and a stretched palm pad not round. But then again I guess the cat could have a large foot lol. I would also steer away from bob cat which would be the most likely wild cat to be an issue because they have very large cat like tracks that would be much larger then 1"...but this is just my opinion.
lol a skunk cant catch a chicken during the day, to kill a chicken a skunk can only chew it to death they are not true predators at all. They are grub, and egg eaters.
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Statement that others promply consume remains is a major consideration. What are they being fed otherwise and how much. I can have some pretty grizzly murder scenes yet cannibalism does not typically occur from other birds.

the hens are fed mix of corn / barley / wheat + oyster shells. they have enough food laying around - feeder is never empty when I go to refill.

I too would be concerned that they are cannabalizing that quickly. Do they get anything other than the grains? They are omnivores and need a protein source. If they aren't getting enough, that may be the reason they are canablizing the dead hens.

You would probably be best using either a dead chicken or some frozen meat as bait in a trap. Whatever it is, it has had 2 free meals so will very likely continue. As stated, some predators can get in through VERY small holes. Good luck catching it.
I kinda lean away from the cat theory only because I see my cats tracks all over the farm in the snow and they just dont match cats tracks have such little round toes and their palm pads are little round balls....from the pic which is hard to see in general, it looks like a very wide paw with larger round toes and a stretched palm pad not round. But then again I guess the cat could have a large foot lol. I would also steer away from bob cat which would be the most likely wild cat to be an issue because they have very large cat like tracks that would be much larger then 1"...but this is just my opinion.
Here are some good pictures of Bobcat tracks:

Size isn't really an issue, if the tracks are a little small it could just mean it is a young bobcat if it is a bobcat at all. Track size varies greatly from a baby animal to a full grown adult no matter what species.
My guess is something in the weasel family. I think a Bobcat would carry the carcass away. Put the dead chicken in a live trap and see what you get.
Two different critters.Rule out fox and yote.Prints are too close.Bottom 2 pics look like weasel.They leap when they run.
Top pic is tough.Possems often leave a tail drag mark and footprints are often turned in.Coon have large flat hind feet.Tough call without closer pics of prints.
lol a skunk cant catch a chicken during the day, to kill a chicken a skunk can only chew it to death they are not true predators at all. They are grub, and egg eaters.
Unfortunately that is not true. It may be less common for them to hunt in the day but it does happen. I didnt realize how dangerous skunks were to a flock and let skunk family around the house flourish..The large male skunk killed my large rooster King mid day. King survived two fox attacks in his life, only to be kill and deheaded by a skunk between 11AM and 1 PM in the afternoon. Neighbors saw the whole thing and we had the bloody tracks to prove it. Poor fella, he was my last rooster! He was beautiful with a full set of sharp spurs. My neighbor didnt like the skunk anyways so he shot him...we did find my roosterd body in the skunks den under the neigbors shed. I still have the blood splattered all over my white barn wall and its been nearly 4 years...time to repaint, just havent had time to do it. We have photos of the tracks too but I have no clue where...pretty gruesome scene.

My second skunk kill involved my beautiful mallard duck...that was however at night. Heard the poor duck squackings, smelled the skunk, no duck :( ...2 beautiful birds gone. I get nervous when I see skunks around the house now...we still have some youngings that come up on the porch and hangout with our cats.
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