one egg not hatched day 23, but still alive, no pip

Feb 21, 2024
Hi I just incubated 8 eggs, one was an early quitter. When I candled on day 16, all 7 were developed and moving, but one looked noticeably smaller maybe by a few days (but moving with good veins). Fast forward to hatch day and 6 chicks hatched on day 21. The one I had previously noticed as smaller did not hatch, though I could visibly see the egg moving in the incubator as the others were drying off. Now on day 23, I decided to candle to know what to do next. The chick still has not internally pipped, however again I can see signs of life - heart beat movement. The incubator is the type that turns in a circle, it maintained proper temp and humidity throughout. All eggs are from my backyard flock - fed the same organic feed and foraging, they are healthy hens! My questions are: why would one embryo develop slower than others but not die? And, is there still a chance it will hatch without major health issues? What point is the cut off point for waiting?
Hi I just incubated 8 eggs, one was an early quitter. When I candled on day 16, all 7 were developed and moving, but one looked noticeably smaller maybe by a few days (but moving with good veins). Fast forward to hatch day and 6 chicks hatched on day 21. The one I had previously noticed as smaller did not hatch, though I could visibly see the egg moving in the incubator as the others were drying off. Now on day 23, I decided to candle to know what to do next. The chick still has not internally pipped, however again I can see signs of life - heart beat movement. The incubator is the type that turns in a circle, it maintained proper temp and humidity throughout. All eggs are from my backyard flock - fed the same organic feed and foraging, they are healthy hens! My questions are: why would one embryo develop slower than others but not die? And, is there still a chance it will hatch without major health issues? What point is the cut off point for waiting?
Sometimes there's always one early, and one late for me. I had one three days late once. I would keep it incubating and candle it in another day. I couldn't possibly quit if I saw it moving. The one late one I had was perfect so who knows really why there's always seeming to be an odd one.
Hi I just incubated 8 eggs, one was an early quitter. When I candled on day 16, all 7 were developed and moving, but one looked noticeably smaller maybe by a few days (but moving with good veins). Fast forward to hatch day and 6 chicks hatched on day 21. The one I had previously noticed as smaller did not hatch, though I could visibly see the egg moving in the incubator as the others were drying off. Now on day 23, I decided to candle to know what to do next. The chick still has not internally pipped, however again I can see signs of life - heart beat movement. The incubator is the type that turns in a circle, it maintained proper temp and humidity throughout. All eggs are from my backyard flock - fed the same organic feed and foraging, they are healthy hens! My questions are: why would one embryo develop slower than others but not die? And, is there still a chance it will hatch without major health issues? What point is the cut off point for waiting?
On of our girls went broody last year. We live in South Louisiana and the temps were in the triple digits with the heat index making 115 some days. Her eggs did not hatch until day 29. I am assuming the heat played a part in this but a breeder told us to give it up to 31 days. Now out of 12 only 2 made it to live but it is possible. This has never been the case while incubating so it may make a difference.

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