Pale Crown: Photos posted


6 Years
Sep 28, 2013
So Ive notice within the past week one of my Isa Brown hens crown has been getting pale. She just started laying a week ago also. Her first egg was soft and I felt bad because she was looking at it disappointed. Ive been giving her veggies like broccoli and the tops of the strawberries twice a week. She has been eating normally (like a hog) and drinking the same. Ive been giving her oyster shell in her feed and 1 cracked egg a week for the protein.
Am I doing anything wrong? Id love to get some insight on this because it concerns me.

Two things that can cause pallor are mites and coccidosis. Also a large worm load might. Are you sure she is laying? How do her poos look? Check her skin under her vent and all over for mites and lice. Some chicken mites only come on the chickens at night, so you can check on the roost with a flashlight.
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I checked her vents it seemed to be moist. Right now shes not acting like the other chickens. Shes walking slow, looks fluffy as if shes tired and wants to cuddle with me.
I also saw her drink water.

Should I keep her from the others?
And since I have 3 isa browns, I dont know for a fact if shes laying. I know she did lay a soft shell egg. Usually they go in their little nest and sit on their egg for a while. But its hard to tell because 2 of them like to be in there at the same time even though they have their own separate area.
I also have seen that some owners put frontline on their chickens? Do they have frontline specifically for poultry?
Sorry in advance for it being so up close. I didnt see any mites on her or her sleeping area. But her vent did have a few white things that I would assume be worms? They were on the left side of her vent.
You could also see in the 3rd photo a little down her butt area was some wettness. Would this be another concern?

She seems extra fluffy than she already is, and is a little slow when shes walking around.

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So Ive notice within the past week one of my Isa Brown hens crown has been getting pale. She just started laying a week ago also. Her first egg was soft and I felt bad because she was looking at it disappointed. Ive been giving her veggies like broccoli and the tops of the strawberries twice a week. She has been eating normally (like a hog) and drinking the same. Ive been giving her oyster shell in her feed and 1 cracked egg a week for the protein.
Am I doing anything wrong? Id love to get some insight on this because it concerns me.
When calcium is depleted, soft shelled eggs can be produced. Vitamin D is required for proper utilization of calcium. Use a good quality Vitamin-mineral powder labeled for poultry like Avian Super Pack. It has good amounts of A,D, E which is important during breeding season, and onset of laying. Stop feeding broccoli and strawberry tops since they serve no nutritional purpose. If range grasses are scarce, offer tender young kale as it is digestible in addition to being nutrient rich. Feed a good quality lay ration and make that the main food source, mix in a little oyster shell and fine grit.

If the "cracked egg" you are feeding to the bird is raw, stop. There is a protein in raw eggs called Avidin. This chemical inactivates Biotin, an important vitamin in a bird's diet. Doing so creates a vitamin deficiency, which eventually causes anemia.

I also think you should worm her, as worms can cause anemia and intestinal damage. Use Valbazen or Safe-guard liquid suspension. Dose is 1/2 cc orally for your bird's size. Use a syringe without a needle. Dose once and do it again 10 days later.

Coccidiosis is not something that should be overlooked either. Especially if you have never used Corid as a preventative in water or fed medicated feed. In between worming you can run Corid in the water for 5-7 days. 20% powder is 1 tsp per gallon of water and the 9.6% liquid is 2 tsp per gallon. Those are treatment dosages.
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Thank you for that advice. I read somewhere on here that someone was giving their chickens raw egg and letting them also eat the shell for protein.
I will stop doing that and feeding them brocolli and strawberry tops. Ill be going to the farm store tomorrow for the Avian Super Pack
You're welcome. You'll find some people spreading misinformation everywhere, even on forums. Be careful what you read, and question everything. Get yourself some Corid and either dewormer I mentioned also. Even if you find yourself not using them for this particular problem, they are important to have if problems arise in the future. Get a 3 ml syringe too.
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Where can i buy Corid? and/or a dewormer?
I plan on going to the Tractor Supply store tomorrow and see what they have. I know Ive seen them have the Avian super pack.

Should I bring her inside the house for the night?

And thanks very much for the advice. Though Ive done tons of research on raising backyard chickens, Ive only been an owner since Aug 31st. So Im still learning and very new to this.

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