

10 Years
Nov 30, 2013
Moscow, Rusia
Hi everyone, my name is Pasha, i walk on the Internet and have entered to this page. I have now 7 chickens, 11 ducks, 18 geeses and 3 turkey. Next spring i will buy more fowl. I like to do photos of various fowl and animals. And i have one big dog. My english is not very good, but i can understand everything what write the people ))) If here are any problem width my english language i can speak german, spanish and japanese too (but i can`t tell that my japanese or german are better as my english hahaha). And i can speack russian, because i am russian. My hobby are to look in the Internet anything interesting.

I live in the country near of the Moscow (in Rusia). In the past time i had very various jobs (i changed the job very often - every 3-4 years), but now i want to be a farmer here in my place. I really like this job and think that it is very interesting. Now i build new buildings where will live the cheap, fowl and pigs. And maybe i will get one horse. I think as a first step i will buy one old horse from horseman-police of Moscow. There are one police who work in the parks, after some time the horses are old and the policeman change it. I cant pay much money because in the past time i don`t had any horse, only i the army, long years ago, when i worked there in the kitchen i have seen one horse every day, it was very nice. We used it for transfer the food from soldiers-cafe to pigs (what sometimes didn`t eaten the soldiers). There was so big pigs! Never have seen before. After long years i begin to understand that to be a farmer is very interesting. Maybe next spring i will buy one little piglet too.

And of course i have one garden, kitchen-garden, little park and one place where my friends play beach volleyball. I don`t have serious interest to this sport, but i did one good playning place, width much sand ))) My futher like this sport and playning there too.
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Hi Pasha!

Welcome. I'm glad you joined us.

Your English is definitely good enough for this site.

It sounds like you have quite a farm started already. I'm sure we will look forward to seeing pictures of your birds and the animals you will add to your farm!
Hi and :welcome

Your english is pretty good, it's definitely better than my Russian (I'm trying to learn, but not doing very well so far. :lol:)
Good luck with your farm, it does sound very interesting!

I saw some of your pictures on another thread, and I like your geese. They look very nice. :D

Enjoy the site!
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