Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Well.......these are the first 2 eggs from Haleyluna's hens that I am currently babysitting........was so excited for her! they are tiny compared to my barred rock hens eggs......not the best pic though..............never get tired of finding eggs

The bad news: My Ameraucanas, as much as three of them look like honest-to-goodness Ameraucanas with perfect wheaten, silver and black coloring, are really Easter Eggers. That's definitely a green egg.

The good news: Two eggs on one day. The one on the bottom/left is from a Buttercup.



Edited to add: I was beginning to despair. They will be 22 weeks old this Wednesday. I was sure that I had the only non-laying teenage pullets in the whole wide world. So much for EEs maturing young and regular non-organic feed being full of nasty growth hormones.
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OK, I've whined and moaned for a couple of weeks now, and today, I think we have a pullet egg!!!

I found the egg (left, in the photo) in the nest box and saw immediately that it was different from our usual medium brown eggs. It's hard to see in the photo, but it's narrower and lighter in color than my RIR or BR's eggs, and not nearly as heavy. Either the heat has gotten to my older girls, or this is our first "baby" egg!

I weighed it, and it came up a little light. Most of my other eggs weigh in as "large," no problem.

Time will tell... I'll keep an eye out for more like this!


Cindy T.
Parker, TX

our first from our 18 week old Golden Comet, good thing I put the shavings in the nesting boxes this morning!
Got our first 2 eggs this morning. I haven't been this excited about something so simple in.....well, I can't remember ever being this excited about something so simple. I kept taking pictures.

I posted about how I had started telling them earlier this week that we were having a bunch of people over this weekend and the menu was either going to be omeletts or chicken. I guess at least one or two of them took me seriously.


The egg on left is Grade A Large from grocery.


You can tell one of the two was small and both were so soft I thought they would break open if I touched them. From what I've read, this seems to be normal??? Hopefully the shells will get harder and larger. Mine free range and gets all sorts of good foods as well as shredded cheese and oyster shells so I wasn't expecting soft shells but I guess they laid them under pressure. Can't wait to see what's out there in the morning. I may actually turn into a morning person for the next few mornings and get out there before 10:00 a.m. so I can find out who's laying. Also need to get them to use nest boxes - these were laid right on wire coop floor under roost in line with all the poop. Kind of looked like they were just pooped out too.

Sunday Update - Didn't want to leave my poor girl with a bad name for those two "poopy" eggs on Friday. Today she laid a perfect large, hard shelled, brown speckled egg in the nest box and it was the best egg hubby and I had ever eaten. I actually sat and watched her lay it. Amazing the joy in simple things. If anyone had told me a year ago that I would have chickens much less be pulling up a chair and watching them lay their eggs, I would have laughed.

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This has to be an egg from Maisy. She looks the most mature of the 3 pullets I have. The egg is definitely a pullet egg, as it's on the small size. But it otherwise perfect!

These Red Star (or Red x link) pullets were delivered on August 16, 2007. McMurray Hatchery says they are approximately 17 weeks old when they are shipped, so that would mean the girls are about 20 weeks old. Maisy has always looked a bit more mature than the others, however, so she may be a bit older.

I was just telling my husband last night that I had noticed Maisy was acting a bit differently yesterday afternoon when I let the girls out to roam the yard. She had seemed to do a little squat shortly after exiting the Eglu run, and also was sort of "crouching" for me. I was commenting to him that I thought this was a good sign she was getting ready to lay soon.

To celebrate, I broke out the oyster shell. There's now a yogurt container full hanging on the Eglu run wall. Good girl, Maisy!

My city chickens rock!!!
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