Powder PDZ in open air run with wood chips?


13 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Fort Worth, Tx
I found a 20lb bag of sweet pdz powder in my shed. It’s probably 10 years old but has been stored in a dry place and looks fine. Since it’s a mineral I am assuming it does not go bad. I don’t want to use it in the coop on my poop boards cause it’s fine powder and would be dusty. I use deep litter hemp and granules zeolite on the boards. So my question is, could I dump it in my open air uncovered run and rake it into the wood chips? Would it help keep moisture, smell, flies away? Or should I just toss it? Hate to waste if it would be worth the trouble of raking it in.


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No, it doesn't go bad and it may help with smells....and not likely to hurt anything
But if you have the other problems listed you need to re-evaluate your drainage and bedding choice in the run.
No, it doesn't go bad and it may help with smells....and not likely to hurt anything
But if you have the other problems listed you need to re-evaluate your drainage and bedding choice in the run.
I don’t really have any issues. The wood chips have been working great to keep mud and such away. I rake it around once a week just to mix. Was really just looking to use up the powder but didn’t want to cause breathing issues for the ladies because it’s powder. And also just help add additional “support” to keep things drier and fresher. Thanks for the reply!

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