PUFA-Free, Grain-free layer recipe

You are what you eat, eats. Corn & soy feed creates high PUFA fast food.
PUFAs (Polyunsaturated fatty acids) such as linoleic acid are the root cause of nearly every chronic illness we see today and are the quickest way to ruin your metabolic health.
Monogastric animals such as chickens and pigs (and humans) do not have the capability to eliminate or convert excess polyunsaturated fatty acids from their diet.
So when they're fed an evolutionarily inappropriate diet too high in PUFAs, those PUFAs accumulate in their fat.
Ruminants, on the other hand, have a special ability to turn PUFAs into saturated fat.
They keep the PUFAs in their fat at less than 2%, but pork and chicken can go as high as 20%.
We think this is an evolutionarily inappropriate amount of PUFAs for humans to be consuming.
If you choose chicken, pork, duck, or turkey - avoid those that are conventionally raised and fed diets rich in corn, soy, millet, wheat, sunflower meal, or any other high-PUFA grain/seed.
I want PUFA-free (or very-low-PUFA) feed for my chickens. Here are a couple of videos that explain a little why, if you're interested. , .
I know that avoiding soy and corn is important, but I don't know what might be actually acceptable in feed if I want eggs that are very low in PUFA. Winter is coming so feed will be important, and I'm looking for a product or a recipe. Could any of you help with recommendations?
Curious to hear if you ever came up with a good combo? I’m looking for this exact thing :)
I want PUFA-free (or very-low-PUFA) feed for my chickens. Here are a couple of videos that explain a little why, if you're interested. , .
I know that avoiding soy and corn is important, but I don't know what might be actually acceptable in feed if I want eggs that are very low in PUFA. Winter is coming so feed will be important, and I'm looking for a product or a recipe. Could any of you help with recommendations?
You need energy for them somehow, you could give them your fruit and veggies scraps but it would be better if you had a rice based feed, which is about 75% lower in pufa than regular eggs. Chickens natural diet included grains just not to extent of what we give them now.
If you are in ontario Canada I am trying to get a group together to buy feed in bulk which is low in pufa.
I want PUFA-free (or very-low-PUFA) feed for my chickens. Here are a couple of videos that explain a little why, if you're interested. , .
I know that avoiding soy and corn is important, but I don't know what might be actually acceptable in feed if I want eggs that are very low in PUFA. Winter is coming so feed will be important, and I'm looking for a product or a recipe. Could any of you help with recommendations?
You need energy for them somehow, you could give them your fruit and veggies scraps but it would be better if you had a rice based feed, which is about 75% lower in pufa than regular eggs. Chickens natural diet included grains just not to extent of what we give them now.
If you are in ontario Canada I am trying to get a group together to buy feed in bulk which is low in pufa.
PUFA's are dangerous to humans, damages your mitochondria, and so low PUFA eggs are important! Hens should not be fed grains so you can achieve low PUFA eggs
You can still get low pufa eggs with rice, because they still need a source of energy. You could feed them squash potatoes berries etc but that's difficult and inconvenient, not manageable for most people. In nature/the wild they eat seeds/grains.

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