Pullet swallowed a peach pit


Sep 6, 2015
South Carolina
On Sunday I fed the six girls peaches. They devoured all three and left all three pits (which I picked up and discarded). Last night I again fed them 2 peaches. One of the pullets grabbed the peach pit and swallowed it. This is the same pullet that I had to nurse through an impacted crop LAST week. I think she ate hay or longer grass while free ranging.

Perhaps she's just not a very bright chicken and eats things that she shouldn't eat.

Any chance she will be able to pass the peach pit? It seems like it would get stuck either in the crop or the gizzard.
If it makes it past the crop and proventriculus and she has appropriately sized grit in the gizzard, she should be OK.
The gizzard should grind it up with the aid of #3 grit or similar sized sharp stones.

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