question about mixes


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
Norfork, AR
ok if a bantam mated with a grown sized hen would the baby resemble the rooster by being small or would it just resemble color. because its the hen that lays the egg and you would think the size goes by her. ive been wondering this for a long time.
I had an Americauna Rooster cross with my Black Silky/Americauna Hen (sized slightly larger then a silky).
I got a pullet that was between the two parents in size.

From the Hen she got the black coloring and feathered feet (slightly lighter in the feathering for the offspring) and from the Rooster she got all the fancy head feathering.

She's a green egg layer..........
Hey,,,I just checked out your MySpace page and it was really neat! I've never been to My Space before,,,,I know I'm weird,,,,my daughter is 14 and she always enjoys looking at her friend's pages but I won't allow her to have her own page because I'm too afraid. I really liked your page though it was really awsome. Love the song too!
Good luck with your chickens!

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