Raccoon ripped off hen’s leg (almost) HELP!!!


In the Brooder
Apr 29, 2023
A raccoon (most likely) stick its hand in between the gap of the wall and pulled one of my hen’s leg off. The leg is not completely detached, some still are still connected. But the foot is like in the wrong direction.

I covered the gap. Right now i have her separately inside the garage under heat lamp. I sprayed the wound down with water then vetericyn. I taped the wound with sanitary pad as tight as possibly I can, with the foot. I am not sure if the bleeding will stop. This is what I can do at 3 am. When I settle her down in the crate, she actually walked a few step. 😫😫😫

What should I do? What is gonna happen???


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I am praying for your chicken and wishing you the best. Trust in God. You may or may not believe in God but I promise whatever happens is a part of his plan. I lost my dog 2 months ago after being attacked by a bigger dog. Sometimes it may be hard to trust him but just try.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths
And also when it’s all clean what I would do is put a plaster cast on it for it to heal. Otherwise it may just have to be taken off by a professional. But again I’m praying for you and your chicken. Good luck.
Where is the leg partially detached? Can you try to get her to a vet this am? If her leg is partly detached, I think infection and abscess will more than likely happen. It might be best to put her down if her wounds are bad. Hens can get around if they lose part of a leg with frostbite, but I‘m not sure that she has much of the leg left.
The leg appears to be amputated all but totally. There is no putting it back and having the hen have use of it, even if you were a gifted surgeon. If you were to complete the amputation, it's doubtful you would be able to halt the bleeding. Judging from the amount of blood in that photo, the hen has probably lost more blood already than she can survive losing.

In other words, this hen is likely dying from her profound wound and ending her suffering now would be the wisest and most compassionate choice.

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