Reccomended toys for budgies


Aug 2, 2019
My budgies have mirrors and bells and beads. They don't use their swing. I built them a little playhouse out of cardboard and they seem to enjoy it. A simple stick with a string or ribbon tied to it entertains then for long periods of time. They are starting to get more playful-

I have a bit of money set aside, and I thought about buying them a little bird gym, maybe some new perches, and something they can chew on.

Thing is, my local pet stores are limited, and typing in Bird Toys on the internet gives so many choices. Wood and plastic and shiny, chewable- all these bells and whistles with half reviews complaining and the other half praising the products.

What are some GOOD reccomended toys for my birds? Links are appreciated!

-cardboard playhouse. They like entering and exiting the window. And they won't play with the ball but they enjoy pushing around an old water bottle.
I think you home made toys are better than any you can find in the store. :) mine mostly ignore toys too. They do like mirrors, and things to chew.
Budgies love things they can get into and investigate; like your playhouse. But...if you have females they quite likely will start laying eggs. Budgies are cavity nesters and the presence of a "cavity" induces them to lay eggs. Give the swing a longer chance as once discovered budgies like to swing. A suitable branch from outdoors is a favorite toy, but make sure it is a safe branch.; no chance of pesticides or herbicides. Some plants are toxic. Fruit and willow trees are safe. Budgies will also spend hours ripping apart cardboard tubes. Spray millet is a favorite. A low pan of water for bathing will be appreciated.

I am not in favor of buying bird toys. Too many are made to attract customers with no thought to bird safety at all. Don't buy items where toe nails can get caught. A frightened bird often ends up dead. Stay away from anything bought that is soft and easy to rip up. Some materials in bird toys are toxic.

Instead of buying, use your imagination and make toys that are safe and bird friendly. Just by observing budgie antics you will come up with ideas. Look around your house-it's filled with potential "bird toys".
Good, your doing your homework. It's unfortunate that many people don't think of household poisons until it's too late.
I only have 2 house plants. Both are safe. I have done a ton of research before bringing my birds home, and I am always looking for more to learn.
My childhood parakeet (a male) loved loved loved a little toy penguin that was like a bobo clown. It had a weighted bottom so when he knocked it down it would come back up. It lasted for years! All I can find online are similar toys with wheels. I think they could get their feet caught in the wheels. But if you can find one without, your bird might love it! I agree 100% about home made toys!
Are yours budgies a pair? Can't tell by the picture.
I'm not sure. I don't entirely know what that means. They are young males (pink ceres). Does 'pair' just mean that they are close/friendly? Give been asked of they were a 'bonded pair', but I wasn't sure what that meant either. Does that only include male/female relations? They feed and groom each other.

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