Rookie Once again


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2024
Greetings! My wife and I had about a half a dozen chickens over 10 years ago. We let our flock diminish and got out of the chicken life. Now, over 10 years later, we are looking to get back into the Chicken Life. We are looking to get some Golden Comet peeps here soon and start our new flock. Possibly going to add a Barred Rock or 2 along the way. Hope to gain some knowledge and be a useful part of the community.

Greetings! My wife and I had about a half a dozen chickens over 10 years ago. We let our flock diminish and got out of the chicken life. Now, over 10 years later, we are looking to get back into the Chicken Life. We are looking to get some Golden Comet peeps here soon and start our new flock. Possibly going to add a Barred Rock or 2 along the way. Hope to gain some knowledge and be a useful part of the community.

Welcome back to the chicken world. I just adore my golden comets - way more than I thought I would - they are my lap chickens.

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