Rooster protection question

[email protected]

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 5, 2011
Brooklyn, NY
I have a new chick and I put her out in the yard yesterday in an exercise pen to peck around while I cleaned her cage. We have crows in the area and I've seen them fly off w ith baby chicks, so I put a cover over the pen, and kept an eye on the sky. Being new to chickens, I'm wondering what would happen if a crow, or even a hawk, attacked a chicken in a flock. I know roosters are fiesty. Would a rooster try to fight off a crow, or hawk? Would it have a chance of winning?

Many roosters will fight to the death I have heard to protect their flock from hawks or other birds. If it were big enough it might be able to scare the hawk off. I have lost a higher ratio of roosters than hens to predator attacks in general.

Fortunately a cover over that pen should keep your chick safe from aerial attack.

BTW, lovely parrot photo for you avatar. Oops you just changed your avatar to pretty Nellie, I see.
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Good question, I'm fighting raven attacks here, myself. The one thing I can tell you is that a good rooster will be the first one to the fight and will die for his girls. Someone suggested Siapan or Game fowl but I don't know if they will deal well with my weather up here or if it would attack a female raven. Also if you breed for chicks, you would have to separate the other rooster somehow to contol breeding.

The Siapan very territorial and love to fight other roos so I'm thinking about trying one if my current roo does not survive the winter. I also don't know how well they like humans and other birds like geese and turkeys.

But can you imagine the look on a intruder bird or fox's face when a 2' to 3' tall bird came ripping after them with spurs flashing?
Thanks for the reply. I just saw a post on roosters and ravens, so that helps answer my question. Roosters sure are beautiful birds.

The parrot was my Elwood, the green chicken.
I changed it, thinking Nellie was more appropriate.

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