Saxony duck questions


May 19, 2024
I have a month old saxony duck that is acting very protective of a younger 2 week old saxony duckling. The circumstances are that the older one was the sole survivor of a snake incident and it is a lot bigger than the replacement duckling. Anyway, I do not know if the larger duck is male or female. My question is, do drakes behave that way, sort of tending to a duckling, protecting it, nipping at it, cuddling with it, or is that hen behavior?
I don't think the behavior says much about the gender. At around a month and a half old you can start to sex ducks by their voice. Females are talkative and make the distinctive quack quack sound. Males on the other hand are quiet and have a low raspy voice. You can watch videos on duck voices to try and familiarize yourself with their sounds. Feel free to post some videos if you want help determining gender.

Also, :welcome
Agreed, I wouldn’t rely on behavior to determine gender right now. If you’d like, you can upload a video of the month old’s voice to YouTube, link it here, and we’ll voice-sex them for you :)

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