Seeking advice one month into wry neck treatment


In the Brooder
Aug 17, 2021
So I have this pullet, she's a RIR who should be reaching the age of laying. She was a spring chick. One morning I noticed she was walking with her head tilted and immediately began treating for wry neck.

There are no other symptoms. The only thing I noticed was a small crack in her beak, so I suspect head injury of some type. That has since healed and I can not identify any other injuries.

She's been inside ever since about September 25 or 26.

She was able to eat and drink the first week. She did have spasms and was losing weight, but the crooked neck seemed minor and she was interested in food and being outside. Then seemed to get much worse. Now she's flipping backward, only turns to her left and walks backwards, her neck is more like a twisty straw and she is not interested in eating on her own.

She is gaining weight, however, because I am spending 2+ hours every day spoon feeding her. She had a good day yesterday, walking straight lines, focusing on bugs outside, etc. Today she seems loopy again. Alert, but loopy. Most days she gets a bit perky when I put her out, today you can see that her tail is down so not her best day. Typically it's up high and you can tell she's enjoying being out of her crate.

I've attached a photo of what I'm giving her and approximate dosages. I've tried aspirin, but only a couple days at a time, obviously. Didn't seem to help though.

I'm just struggling with work and caring for this bird who's just too young to put down in my mind for something that seems curable. Is there something else I could try? Something I've overlooked? If it's a head injury, is it possible she never fully recovers? If that's the case, how do I know when it's time? Like, how long do we go on this way? My birds are more pets than anything and to put down a young hen like her is just hard to accept.


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So I have this pullet, she's a RIR who should be reaching the age of laying. She was a spring chick. One morning I noticed she was walking with her head tilted and immediately began treating for wry neck.

There are no other symptoms. The only thing I noticed was a small crack in her beak, so I suspect head injury of some type. That has since healed and I can not identify any other injuries.

She's been inside ever since about September 25 or 26.

She was able to eat and drink the first week. She did have spasms and was losing weight, but the crooked neck seemed minor and she was interested in food and being outside. Then seemed to get much worse. Now she's flipping backward, only turns to her left and walks backwards, her neck is more like a twisty straw and she is not interested in eating on her own.

She is gaining weight, however, because I am spending 2+ hours every day spoon feeding her. She had a good day yesterday, walking straight lines, focusing on bugs outside, etc. Today she seems loopy again. Alert, but loopy. Most days she gets a bit perky when I put her out, today you can see that her tail is down so not her best day. Typically it's up high and you can tell she's enjoying being out of her crate.

I've attached a photo of what I'm giving her and approximate dosages. I've tried aspirin, but only a couple days at a time, obviously. Didn't seem to help though.

I'm just struggling with work and caring for this bird who's just too young to put down in my mind for something that seems curable. Is there something else I could try? Something I've overlooked? If it's a head injury, is it possible she never fully recovers? If that's the case, how do I know when it's time? Like, how long do we go on this way? My birds are more pets than anything and to put down a young hen like her is just hard to accept.
You're treating her both for wry neck and if it was neurological, and I can't think of what else it would be besides one of those two things. Since you said about the cracked beak, spasms, and flipping backward, it sounds more neurological. The absolute only other thing I think I'd try is Poultry Cell. Nutra Drench is fast-acting and what we give as a supplement once a week or so to our silkies but Poultry Cell is a bit better as it has more in it.

I honestly doubt that that will make a difference at all as she's already gotten pretty much what she'd need for both ailments but it might be worth a shot just to see.

You've done good by her.
One morning I noticed she was walking with her head tilted and immediately began treating for wry neck.

The only thing I noticed was a small crack in her beak, so I suspect head injury of some type.

She is gaining weight, however, because I am spending 2+ hours every day spoon feeding her.
I would go to Walmart or CVS, pick up a bottle of Vitamin E and B-Complex.

Give her 1 (400IU) Vitamin E gel tab daily along with 1/4 tablet B-Complex. Just pop them inside the beak and let her swallow. You'd have to give double the amount of the durvet to get the Vitamin E needed and that would be way way too much Selnium which can be toxic. A little egg daily is sufficient for Selenium.

Tube or Syringe feed her if she's not able to eat on her own, this will make it quicker and easier than trying to spoon feed her. Another option is Torpedo Feeding.

Here's how to Torpedo Feed - whole thread with instructions and video

How to crop feed

Crop feed video
You're treating her both for wry neck and if it was neurological, and I can't think of what else it would be besides one of those two things. Since you said about the cracked beak, spasms, and flipping backward, it sounds more neurological. The absolute only other thing I think I'd try is Poultry Cell. Nutra Drench is fast-acting and what we give as a supplement once a week or so to our silkies but Poultry Cell is a bit better as it has more in it.

I honestly doubt that that will make a difference at all as she's already gotten pretty much what she'd need for both ailments but it might be worth a shot just to see.

You've done good by her.
Thanks for this. I'll look into that. I guess we just hang in a little longer and see if she improves at all. It's getting harder to get her to swallow her food so I'm not sure how much longer I can justify forcing her.

She's currently curled up in my lap in her towel cooing and trilling. Sigh.
OMG this is my life currently.. :( going on Day 16 here.

I just came to say I am so sorry you're dealing with it. It is my first time with this condition and it breaks my heart. And i too struggle to know if/when its time. Even brought her to the vet to no avail. And i feel like i am doing allll the things. She does seem to like being outside when I can supervise her (the flock tortures her now that she is in this shape).. Both I and my hubs work full time tho and this is so tough time-wise but trying to make it work best can for her. Love her.

Again wishing you luck and if you find something that changes things please let me know. Currently I am doing the e/selium paste, nutridrench, poultry cell, B complex paste, crush egg shells for calcium, E capsule. :(
OMG this is my life currently.. :( going on Day 16 here.

I just came to say I am so sorry you're dealing with it. It is my first time with this condition and it breaks my heart. And i too struggle to know if/when its time. Even brought her to the vet to no avail. And i feel like i am doing allll the things. She does seem to like being outside when I can supervise her (the flock tortures her now that she is in this shape).. Both I and my hubs work full time tho and this is so tough time-wise but trying to make it work best can for her. Love her.

Again wishing you luck and if you find something that changes things please let me know. Currently I am doing the e/selium paste, nutridrench, poultry cell, B complex paste, crush egg shells for calcium, E capsule. :(
So how did it go? Did she recover? One of our silkies got beat up pretty good and we're also on the same road.
Welcome To BYC

If you can start a thread about your injured Silkie, along with photos we may be able to offer some suggestions about her care.

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So how did it go? Did she recover? One of our silkies got beat up pretty good and we're also on the same road.
Hi! She is doing AMAZING!!!!!! She still lives indoors, but i would say we saw a turning point in December. She is not perfect, but she is upright, able to walk forward, eat on her own drink on her own. SHe has even flown and perches on our couch. She started laying eggs this weekend which completely blew us away. This was one of the longest most difficult issues we've dealt with in chicken keeping :( so i am sorry you are on this road :(. I would just say try to have patience. We did the vitamin e/goat selenium paste twice a day (pea size) nutridrench in a 1 ML syringe twice a day directly in mouth. I did add in CBD oil at a point, too. I wish i knew what exactly did it. We are still giving her the paste and i still put nutridrench in her crumbles. and water. I am afraid to stop to be honest. we do the paste tho only once a day now. i also wet her food with water too and did that a lot more int he beginning when she wasn't drinking on her own really.
i am sending you all the good healing vibes.


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Congratulations! That’s amazing! So glad for you.
That’s why I don’t cull my chickens, you just never know… I have seen quite a few recoveries I really didn’t believe would happen. Including my friend‘s dog, who got really weak (he was old) and had to be carried everywhere, held up to pee, etc. For weeks! Made a nice recovery and lived for a few more years being just fine. He might have had a stroke…
Anyway, I am glad life got better for the two of you again.

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