Sexing ducks by bill color?


Pheasant Obsessed
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
The Sticks, Vermont
I have been reading the book Raising Ducks, Written by Dave Holderread. He says that you can sex ducks like, Mallards, Rouens, and other birds of that pattern by bill color. Could this work for ducklings? Mine are 3 weeks and already 3/4 are showing orange bills found in hens, the other, a darker color, almost black. Could that one be the drake? It also seems to be fairly quiet. I hope so!
Thanks and if there is any other ways to sex young Rouen, Mallard ducks please post.
THe only way I know to sex young rouens is by their quacks. As far as bill colors (I have never read that book) but out of my 3 laying rouen girls, 2 have one color beak and the 3rd has a totally different color, so I wouldn't rely on that, personally.
The 3rd's bill AND eggs are more green than the other 2 girls.
In the mallards and rouens I have had, the girls tend to have yellow and brown in their bills and the males are green billed.

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