She is walking again!!♡♡


Crazy for Silkies
11 Years
Jan 17, 2013
Hi guys as you know I've been treating my chick for awhile now for vitamins defiency. She has had such a hard start. She was doing vertical splits and being trampled by the flock. I started her vitamins treatment then very slowly she improved small steps at a time. Her feet are no longer curled and she is now walking.!! She still needs to get stronger before she goes out with the others. But I'm so greatful she is walking around again. I moved her into a bigger cage now. She is definitely determined and is such a inspiration. I was not sure what was going to happen in the beginning I was loosing hope. I'm so happy to tell you all she's walking again!!♡♡♡ wanted to update you on her recovery. No more curled toes! She's currently only on the B2 drops for her muscles. Thanks for being there for me.
I thank God! It broke my heart her life hadn't even begun and she couldn't walk. I have a big Ole heart and I took her outside in my hands because I thought she was passing after being trampled and she never got to see the sun or grass so I just held her and petted her and let her see outside before she went. Bless her little heart she didn't leave. She is a strong soul with a lot of courage. I know our road is long getting her strength back up but see her walking gives me hope she will get there.♡♡♡
So good to hear she recovered.
I had one who I nearly euthanized because she couldn’t walk.
She had other ideas and is now very much the lead hen of my little flock.
Just a heads up to keep an eye on her as she grows. Mine needed the B2 for many weeks and would relapse whenever I stopped giving it. Then one day - I think when her legs were not growing so fast - she was OK without any supplements.
Thank you so much for the tip! I took her off the poultry cell because after awhile she got bad diarrhea. She it still on the B2 drops. I will definitely keep her on for longer. I don't think she could go through that again so I will be sure she's ready before she comes off. I'd hate to go through all that to have her relapse again. Before she joins the flock I will make sure she's strong. I will slowly reintroduce her to the rest. I don't want them stomping on her again! Thank you for this. I will be sure to keep a eye on her.
Once my Bernie started walking the relapses showed as her limping or sitting down on her hocks.
First one leg and then the other.
I ended up using the B2 drops on her food. But as she was with the flock they all ended up getting supplements!

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