Sick 1.5 week old chicks


In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2023
Hello, I am very new to chicken keeping and orginally started out with an olive egger, Silkie, and BBS ameracuna (2/4). Well the silkie at 1.5 weeks old got sick, like crackling/rales, congestion and sneezing. I wasnt sure what to do so I contacted the breeder and she suggested I treat for coccidosis. I treated all of them at the same time as well as gave them vetrx. I also set up a fan to blow air out of the brooder, only used puppy pads with paper towels, and kept the space clean and dry at all times. I was feeding them medicated feed but switched to non-medicated once I got all the new chicks because I thought it was the feed. Keep in mind they were all eating and drinking normally. Poops were normal except for the occasional peanut butter looking one for which I looked it up and saw it was a cecal poop.

Fast forward 1 week and I got 3 more baby chicks (2/17). 1 red laced wyandotte, 1 BBS orpington, and 1 BCM. I kept them all separated in different brooders for a week and treated them all with corrid. My silkie and the ameracuna got better with no raspy sounds or sneezing or anyting. The other baby chicks were not showing signs of being sick or anyting.

We moved them all together on the night of 2/24 in the same "playpen" they were all acting normal and running around getting to know each other everuthing was fine. I woke up that saturday and my silkie had passed in her sleep, we dont know the cause, and the ameracuna was not acting right. I immediately took her out and gave her some honey water which did nothing and put her in her own brooder away from everyone. Later that afternoon she passed.

Now 5 days later I have my 2 week old BCM with rales and crackles and sneezing and 2 week old wyandotte who is hunched with her shoulders up by her head. I gave both of them some tylan/doxy water and drew it up in a syringe and made sure they drank it. The other orpington (2weeks old) and olive egger (4 weeks old) seem to be fine. The olive egger will sneeze every now and then but its mainly when she flaps her wings or eats. They are all on non medicated feed, with hemp bedding, have a brooder plate that it on an incline so they can choose what heat they want. They also have water with hydrohen in it. I spot clean the bedding every night and replace with fresh hemp shavings and replace the whole thing every 3-4 days.

I am at a loss for what is happening with my chicks? I was at 6 now I'm down to 4 and I dont want to lose another 2.
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Do you have photos of your brooder setup, the chicks and their poop?

I'm sorry that you lost the chicks. It's hard to know what's happening.

The one that sneezes - mainly when she flaps her wings or eats - this sounds like dust being stirred up or perhaps she's got some food in her nostrils.
Make sure you have plenty of ventilation in your brooder, chicks/bedding/feed are all dusty.

It's possible that they may have respiratory illness, sometimes that can happen when you source birds from different people. Did giving the antibiotic make any difference at all?
Welcome To BYC

Do you have photos of your brooder setup, the chicks and their poop?

I'm sorry that you lost the chicks. It's hard to know what's happening.

The one that sneezes - mainly when she flaps her wings or eats - this sounds like dust being stirred up or perhaps she's got some food in her nostrils.
Make sure you have plenty of ventilation in your brooder, chicks/bedding/feed are all dusty.

It's possible that they may have respiratory illness, sometimes that can happen when you source birds from different people. Did giving the antibiotic make any difference at all?
My brooder is a puppy play pen with hemp bedding and a heating plate. The sick one that is sneezing just started sneezing and sounding congested today. The other one that sneezes she does it when she flaps her wings or gets food or the other chicks flap their wings. We did have a fan sucking air up and out when they were in a tub so I am wondering if I need to add that back to the play pen. I also have an air purifier in there too rotating air around in the room. The two that I have the Doxy/tylan to the wyandotte seems to be doing a little better with her hunched shoulders and the other one doesnt seem to be sneezing as much. But I also put them in a tub with a fan in it sucking the air out and blowing it up so I am wondering if I need to add that? How long should I keep them separated?
So the sick girls are in the tub and the “healthy” girls are in the play pen. I’ve moved that fan to the play pen and set up another fan on the sick girls to blow air out of the brooder.

Are they eating drinking o.k.?
The water and feed stations in the playpen look a bit high to reach, could be the angle of the photo.

Hard to tell what's going on. If the sneezing is mainly during eating/drinking and flapping of wings, then the chick is just getting dust or food/water in her nostrils.
They are drinking fine. But the olive egger is the one who sneezes at random. The BCM is the one that’s sick and she seems to be worse as the day is progressing. She is very sleepy and seems to be just very lethargic. I’ve tried giving her almost everything in my power but it’s not making it better. So now I’m wondering if they have something that they are passing around? Or if I should be worried for my future flock if they have something other than just a random respiratory infection. I’m really wondering if I should cull the ones that are sneezing
What's her poop like?

Have you tried treating with Corid?
Her poops are normal. Not runny. I’ve tried treating with Corid but her poops do not resemble anything close to cocciodosis. I’m more leaning towards IB at this point. She is the only one sick right now as I quarantined 2 chicks that seemed to be sick and the other chick is not sick. I’ve been giving them water with doxy/tylan in it as well as oregano. My other two chicks don’t show signs of anything so I’m assuming it’s IB. I’ve got 5 more days with the tylan to see if she improves.
usually, id say 90% of the time, when chicks get sick its because theyre getting chilled ... the other small percent is just weak chicks, happens occasionally .. another issue can be pesticide, especially somebody else around that isnt too happy about animals in the house and spraying crap everywhere .. ive had that happen .. id get rid of that problem lol ..

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