
Dec 30, 2021
Kentucky, USA
My rabbit is pooping small poop only, not haying his hay, and barely nibbling his veggies. He only took a bite from a banana, his favorite. I'm afraid he may be in GI status. No vet will be open for almost 12 hours.
What can I do from home? I do not have baby simethicone.
Should I syringe feed soaked pellets?
I would not syringe anything in to my rabbit's mouth. That is a good way to force something down the wrong pipe and kill it.

I would not stress the rabbit out. My rabbit felt bad once and wouldn't eat. I got really worried but he was fine the next day. I didn't do anything.
I would not syringe anything in to my rabbit's mouth. That is a good way to force something down the wrong pipe and kill it.

I would not stress the rabbit out. My rabbit felt bad once and wouldn't eat. I got really worried but he was fine the next day. I didn't do anything.
I had a feeling you would respond!

I have him in the bathroom to see if he is pooping overnight, eating, drinking. He usually free ranges but having another rabbit in the house, I can't be sure whose poo is whose. I hope he's ok. :(
I had a feeling you would respond!

I have him in the bathroom to see if he is pooping overnight, eating, drinking. He usually free ranges but having another rabbit in the house, I can't be sure whose poo is whose. I hope he's ok. :(
Is the bathroom safe of stuff he shouldn't eat?
Hello! How is your bun today? I hope he's feeling better!

For stasis, usually the best home remedy is baby's gas drops (I know you said you didn't have), usually the correct dosage can be googled or probably found somewhere on BYC, as I don't have it off the top of my head.

I know a little baby food sweet potato or pumpkin (no sugar added) can help relieve their stomachs too, and get some food in them.

When I personally have treated stasis at home, I use the baby's gas drops, syringe some water to keep them hydrated, and/or syringe critical care. It's a powder you can mix with water to get a thick or thin consistency --it's packed full of nutrients and also gets liquid in them. I always recommend having critical care on hand! It's a life saver. Great for getting meds in them too if pills have to be crushed or if its liquid meds.

Unfortunately, unless you have a rabbit first-aid kit, usually you have to make a run to the store if you want to treat your rabbit. Still a lot cheaper/easier than a vet visit, and I have successfully treated stasis this way more than once.

I totally agree it can be risky syringing food/water into a rabbit if you aren't careful. I have done it successfully many times -- the key is to go very slowly to not aspirate them. You have to shove it into the corner of their mouth so they don't just spit it out, and push sloooowly. It can get quite messy but it can be done. You have to have a lot of patience and time.

On a side note about your rabbit experience stasis: if he is pooping a little, that's a very good sign. No poop at all is bad. I discovered once my rabbit was experiencing a little stasis because he was in pain due to a torn nail, so pain is a possibility that your bun hasn't been feeling well. Do a check over of him -- ears, eyes, nose/mouth, nails and paws, etc. If your bun is in stasis, his stomach will probably be hard and a little to a lot bloated, depending on how bad his stasis is. You can feel gently to tell.

I hope your bunny is feeling better today and that I could be of help! :)
Hello! How is your bun today? I hope he's feeling better!

For stasis, usually the best home remedy is baby's gas drops (I know you said you didn't have), usually the correct dosage can be googled or probably found somewhere on BYC, as I don't have it off the top of my head.

I know a little baby food sweet potato or pumpkin (no sugar added) can help relieve their stomachs too, and get some food in them.

When I personally have treated stasis at home, I use the baby's gas drops, syringe some water to keep them hydrated, and/or syringe critical care. It's a powder you can mix with water to get a thick or thin consistency --it's packed full of nutrients and also gets liquid in them. I always recommend having critical care on hand! It's a life saver. Great for getting meds in them too if pills have to be crushed or if its liquid meds.

Unfortunately, unless you have a rabbit first-aid kit, usually you have to make a run to the store if you want to treat your rabbit. Still a lot cheaper/easier than a vet visit, and I have successfully treated stasis this way more than once.

I totally agree it can be risky syringing food/water into a rabbit if you aren't careful. I have done it successfully many times -- the key is to go very slowly to not aspirate them. You have to shove it into the corner of their mouth so they don't just spit it out, and push sloooowly. It can get quite messy but it can be done. You have to have a lot of patience and time.

On a side note about your rabbit experience stasis: if he is pooping a little, that's a very good sign. No poop at all is bad. I discovered once my rabbit was experiencing a little stasis because he was in pain due to a torn nail, so pain is a possibility that your bun hasn't been feeling well. Do a check over of him -- ears, eyes, nose/mouth, nails and paws, etc. If your bun is in stasis, his stomach will probably be hard and a little to a lot bloated, depending on how bad his stasis is. You can feel gently to tell.

I hope your bunny is feeling better today and that I could be of help! :)
He is doing great today. Back to his normal self! He ending up getting worse, then better. He only pooped five pellets one day and so I started simethicone, canned pumpkin and electrolyte water. Within 12 hours I started seeing improvement and I within 24 hours he was eating and hopping around!
if your rabbit shows signs of GI issues, monitor closely. Encourage hydration with water or diluted electrolytes. Offer fresh hay and try syringe-feeding soaked pellets to ensure some nutrition. Seek urgent vet help when available. For more advice, consider checking forums like petgnearme and consult experienced rabbit owners.

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