Subfloor in Coop -


8 Years
Sep 23, 2011
My coop is build in garage.
I make subfloor from 3/4" plywood on 2x4. Wander if I did right putting there subfloor.
I worry about mouse going under it, also about mold from water and poop .
My wife suggesting to remove that floor . No mold, no mouse, easer to clean. Should I follow her advice? (we are in Brampton, Ontario)
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Honestly, I would. You are right about mice and rats getting under there. My coop is built on a concrete slab and the birds are directly on the slab. I use straw for bedding and can get it nice and deep so they have a soft landing when jumping down from the roosts, and don't have to stand on cold concrete on the winter.
My coop is also built in my garage, and I dont have anything for the flooring. I just throw pine shavings on the concrete and it works great! It's also a breeze to clean.
I used 3/4" plywood with vinyl on top with no concrete underneath. Now, my floor is rotten under the vinyl. The floor is caving in. I have no idea how I'm going to fix this problem. For now, I put some boards on top of the vinyl and just hope it holds up until spring. I believe I will have to tip the coop over and replace the floor.
Thank you so much I going to remove that floor tonight ..
Great forum many friendly people who respond fast this great solutions.

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