There was a Battle Royale with the roosters this morning that I guess went on for awhile before I got there. The youngest, Mace, and Gunnar are bloody messes, Magnus a bit scuffed himself from apparently trying to stop the fight. I had to revert to my original plan of putting Mace in with my late Hector's four older Barred Rock hens. He's very stressed and fell asleep under a reptile bulb on one of the separate bars (used to be the undersupport for a nest) in there, with those girls wondering why I stuck him in there with them. He was probably fighting over Iris, who has chosen Gunnar for her man. Seems from Gunnar's condition, Mace held his own, though he lost a tiny sliver of one wattle. Geez, men! I rearranged some other things, but this is the WORST time for them to have to be separated, when they need all their combined body heat for the upcoming polar vortex.
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Poor Gunnar. Forrest has been trying to get him to fight all afternoon and he's just tuckered slap out, ran into the nests to hide from him. Mace is doing fine, getting under the heat spot I made for him since I knew he would not be allowed to snuggle with those big mean girls yet. Good grief, why did they do this to me, and themselves, when I'm looking at temps at low as about 4* overnight with wind chills from 15-20 below zero at my elevation!
Sorry Cynthia. Sounds like your boys are feeling hormonal already.
Maybe so. Iris and Mace were hatched and raised together, but when she got her hormones flowing, she wouldn't give Mace the time of day and moons over Gunnar (I don't blame her, he's a stud muffin!). So, that may have been what the fight was about today. But, Forrest was getting on my last nerve, kept trying to pick a fight with a pooped-out Gunnar. I scooped him up three times to fuss him out while Gunnar just hid under the roost. All he wanted by then was to be left alone. I have too many males in that group, I know, but until now, it hasn't been a big deal. Mace tipped it over the edge, I suppose.
Everybody is still "kung fu fighting" in that pen. Poor Gunnar. I think Magnus sees this as a chance to move up from the #3 spot so every time Gunnar comes out from the nest box, Magnus and Forrest jump him.
I just buried Atlas so my King is dead.
I'm so sorry Cynthia. Atlas was a great rooster. :(
Gunnar is venturing out from the nest box some finally. They're all healing from their wounds, except for Bodie, who, being the head honcho, got off scot-free since no one will challenge his authority. He tried to break up fights, but he was just overwhelmed by the insanity. I think they're less likely to fight at the moment since they're all shivering cold and not that motivated to do anything except fluff up under the heat spot.
Young Mace is doing fine in with Hector's girls. They haven't killed him and he seems okay, if a bit puzzled why he's in there and hasn't been allowed back into the big group. Of course, there's enough chaos in the big group, no way I'm throwing him back in there now. I think he may have his permanent position with them until they all die off and I'm left wondering what to do with a lone rooster again. If I separate the others, there is no way they'll be able to get back together again, I don't think. I really don't want more pens occupied again. My ultimate goal is one group other than maybe one pen for older birds if need be. Come warmer weather, I may allow those two groups to get outside together with supervision and see how much fighting there is, with Mace being in a different group, but it was Mace challenging Gunnar that started this mess in the first place.
I'm wondering how Druscilla is going to survive this cold. It was 8* again this morning, was supposed to be 11*. If a forecaster ever got something right, I'd die of shock.
I have started saying things went north, not south. I take exception to the phrase for things being all mucked up being associated with us down here, Cheryl! LOL.

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