Mixed nuts, yep, that's my bunch, especially those Easter Eggers. By the way, today, Iris seems less broody. She came outside with the group and didn't go back until I had to run them back inside because of a storm coming. And she's barely clucking either. Cricket is on Day 10 with her five eggs today. She is such a good broody. She will occasionally get off and eat/drink without me always having to haul her off the nest, though I do make sure she gets off to "unload" once each day anyway.
Today is Day 19 for Cricket's 5 eggs. One of them dropped a few inches into a bed of shavings when I picked her up-I did sweep my hands under there, but missed it; I candled it a couple of days later and the chick was moving though the air cell had that shipped air cell look, large and scalloped. I'm not holding out a lot of hope for that one, but it would surprise me. She's such a dedicated broody, that one. Iris has snapped out of her broody spell, thankfully.
Cricket's eggs are active and one has been pipped all day, bouncing babies in the others at last check earlier today.
I do have one issue. Ripley, my beautiful, sweet, adventurous Ripley is ailing for some reason. Scooping poop this morning, I noticed I was raking around her and she was standing like a taxidermy stuffed bird, no response, not a twitch. When I spoke to her, she didn't even acknowledge me, not at all like herself. I picked her up and she was pretty limp. She would not eat, refused scratch mix from my hand and sprinkled beside her on the roost bar. I left her there and finished chores, then let them outside and they ran out, Ripley with them. But in a few minutes, she just stopped like she ran out of steam. She walks like she's dragging her feet. No injuries, no crop issues, no bloat, and I think she's been laying fine. I have no clue. I hate to lose her.
She and Rayna are my favorite EE hens in that group. My sweet girl, I have no idea what happened, if she got hurt and it's internal or there's just something amiss inside that just now showed up. Her back is still bare after a long time with a saddle because when I removed it to give her a break, the others picked the new feathers off her (there were only about 3-4). Here she was, having come back inside and just standing there while others did their usual stuff outdoors on this gorgeous spring-like day.
I got a clue at roost time. She was on top of the nest box where I put her while cleaning up. And she stayed there, was going to sleep there, very unusual for her. Tom picked her up to check her over, a second set of hands and eyes, and I happened to see some clear stuff and a piece of shell hanging from her bum. Seems an egg must have broken inside of her and not likely today, must have been at least a couple of days ago for her to be so down in the mouth, not really sure how long. I know she was laying at least a week ago, or I think she was. I made an executive decision, made up the hospital cage with a gallon waterer laced with Duramycin in case there was infection setting up inside her, and some food in Atlas's bowl, one of those that is stainless steel and rubber base. I didn't want those boys continually jumping her and that could have been what happened with the egg, but who knows? I did make sure some of that medicated water got into her and then she went to the back corner and curled up to sleep, not a peep about being in an unfamiliar place. I hope she makes it.

Cricket has at least three of the five eggs pipped, one cheeping.
UPDATE: Four chicks hatched, including the one pipped since yesterday, which seems extremely exhausted, and that one appears to be a Buff, so that would be Cricket's own chick with Magnus since Forrest can't successfully breed-and Cricket won't allow him to anyway. It's amazing how those hens know a substandard male, isn't it? Poor sweet Forrest, he tries.
The fifth egg is pipped and that's the last chance for a blue chick, which would be a buff x splash or vice versa. Come on, blue! But, better it be a pullet than a particular color. Cricket looks very satisfied with her accomplishment. Pics when the last one has hatched.
We have five now, last one still not 100% fluffy, but they're all here. Looks like 4 splashes and one buff baby. I especially want the buff to be a pullet. I want a Cricket clone, LOL. Was hoping for a blue in this batch, but no crosses, I guess. If it was going to be as mean as Princess Iris, maybe that's a good thing!

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