Shammy! Sham Wow! ShamZilla! It's the Shamster, doing it's sham thing.

Alright it's no secret I've obsessed over O Shamos. I'm fascinated by just about everything I've ready about them. So it should be no suprise when I say I love love love having Shammy here. I'm not pleased to report Shammy is not SOP bred like I was told, she has the wrong comb. :( She should have a pea comb, but she has a single comb I do believe. The LB have pea combs, are younger, and it already looks like a pea comb, Shammy's doe not. That being the way it is, oh well. After all I've done to have this one chick, I highly doubt it's going to take away from the experience.

So feather wise, she does appear to be what she was claimed as. She has light feathering under the wing, and everywhere she still has yellow down, should either be bald or lightly feathered also.

Her face has always kind of reminded me of Heath Ledger's rendition of the Joker. Mary thinks I should name her Heather as a tribute to the best looking Joker to hit the big screen.

I need to find better names for these two... Drip and Drop was just a spin on Flip and Flop.

I caught them in an epic chase! I was working on a pin, and had my supplies laying around me. They kept using the HC for escape tunnels. Lol.
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The little lady!
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The fastly growing feller!
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gorgeous birds. I just love black and white together on a bird.

Top of the morning to you Patti!

I thought you'd be the only one who knew I was serious lol. :D

Thre peeps are doing great! 2 more hatched over night so we are at 10 chicks I think. 2 more eggs to go!

:ya I’m so glad you had a good hatch. At least you know it isn’t your incubator! :clap
Umbra, the yard king. He's also not SOP... He has red starting to leak in the skin under his waddles and has white showing up in his m mouth. I was warned this could happen, and it's right at thre time frame I was told it might. That changes how I feel about him. He's still awesome, but I bought them as an investment, and it was high risk with potential high reward. I got hit with the risk sick. :(
I'm now considering selling him. I don't want to breed and sell culls. I also don't want to put in the 5+ years it would take to breed it out. Not to mention that a big project for my experience level. (gotta be realistic sometimes) He's still one of the best specimens I've seen, but not SOP.

Keeping him would require a considerable amount of work to keep everyone happy and safe. At this point, the risk and reward has shifted quiet a bit. At this time, the only females close to mating are the NN and AC. What I'm thinking of doing is letting Umbra fertilize the 3 hens a couple of times and listing him. That would give me another chance at finding an AC cockerel, and some sex linked NN.

Ebby is black as it gets thankfully. I do really like the build of this bloodline vs most others I's seen ie: GFF stock. The tight flat feather and game build is just beautiful. Ebby is actually pretty small. Of all the LF chickens, she has the smallest frame. Umbra too, he's the smallest cock, but he carries himself with extreme pride. Beautiful muscle lines, strong feet, and one heel of a kick.

I'm also worried Umbra and Sully are going to fight. Umbra is not exactly accepting to the other cocks. He's doesn't start fight's, and they can be in a 10-15' area of each other, but he's got a short fuse if any of the males get to close. Sully is 2x the size of Umbra weight wise. Sully is super nice, but he could seriously hurt another bird he they fought.

I don't know what to do, but I've got to figure it out, and soon.
gorgeous birds. I just love black and white together on a bird.

:ya I’m so glad you had a good hatch. At least you know it isn’t your incubator! :clap
Going to take some pictures right now of the babies! They're all so freaking cute! I need to make a bigger brooder today.

Be back soon with pictures! :D

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