Morning everyone! So I had this idea to grow my daughters bean seeds (science project for school) in a pot because we move on the 20th, this is from lunch time yesterday until just now (dark outside is now). Yeah I'm gunna have to MacGyver a climbing frame aren't I?
Hey y'all! My Rhode island red is broody and now sitting on eggs.. they aren't a broody breed I heard so I'm hoping she will stay sitting. She's currently sitting on 8 eggs. Hoping this goes well
I hope I get a broody!! My 4 1/2 month old cockerel is making fertile eggs already. :lau :eek:
Think I forgot to mention, I set some more eggs...
and I've got another broody...


I bought some eggs from @SilksterTN and recieve BBS Birchen Marans and some sex linked OE [Ameraucana x Cuckoo Marans (I think)]. She (Silkster) was very pleasant to deal with, and very fairly priced. Packaging was one of those nice foam thingamajigs which held the eggs very securely. She's NPIP certified and sent the appropriate paperwork with the package along with a (censored) business card. I don't like posting people's information... I'll happily post a review though and if someone wanted to, they could pm @SilksterTN here.

Big thank you to @Pyxis for sending Silkster my way. :D Now it's your turn to dodge the wrath of
@Trimswife. Good luck! :highfive:

I also set 2 BB Marans x Ayam Cemani, 2 random LF, 5 55F x BB Marans. Annie is also sitting on 5 Arucana x BB Marans.

I've decided in the AC x Marans cross, I prefer the chicks from the Marans egg vs the AC eggs. The pairing using a female Marans gives a thicker/stockier chick. I want to see that black opal look on a large Marans body. After seeing the one a guy made here, I'm pretty much chasing his dragon.

Another cross from our own eggs I'm really liking is the 55F x Marans. The one juvenile I have with the game birds is quite eye catching. I don't know if the mottled effect from the 55F is causing it, but she has various shades of blue "speckled" on her. She kind of has that "Ahh! Don't touch me bro" attitude but that's alright. For the time I'm dubbing this cross Blue Flowery Hen. ;)
I'm NOT proud of people in general. Do you know what we had to do at work today? We had to recall all Ivermectin products. Ivermectin, Ivomec, Eprinex, all the horse dewormer pastes like Quest and Equimax, etc.

Because there was an article posted about how, in a lab, it seemed like Ivermectin killed the virus. So people started buying up all these livestock dewormers to eat, drink, pour on themselves, etc.

So good luck deworming your animals now. You better want to use Safeguard or Pyrantel or something.

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