Well it's been a busy day here. When I wasn't getting distracted by cuteness, I was hustling in the heat.

One of the projects I've started was simply a duck waste compost pile. I'm keeping it separate from the rest as my other piles are cold compost. I'm impressed with how much bedding just 2 ducks go through. I've been using bokashi with it, and there is little to no smell from it, and it is HOT here. This is actually one of the things I'm most happy about having the ducks. The garden is going to love it!

So on day 2 the ducks popped a hole in the pool. No surprise, it's cheap, but I couldn't find a standard plastic pool. The plan is to dig a pond, but that won't happen for at least a couple of months. So I needed an affordable means for the ducks to swim.
**Upcycle Warning**
On my way home yesterday, I see a bath tub on the road for trash pick up. I pulled over and asked if it held water and if I could have it. The guy chuckled at me and said good luck. (I don't have much money, but luck I do have) I thanked him, grabbed a dolly and walked it home. It was pretty rough looking...
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At first my wife thought I had lost it, which is just any normal day here lol. "That thing is gross" and she was right. With a bit of elbow grease, and a lot of 24v cordless elbow grease, I was able to get it almost brand new looking. I thought about fixing the jacuzzi motor, and selling it for a minute.
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This evening I dug a hole that's 5x3x1 to sink it. I still need to plug the drain and jet pipes, but this is the general look/idea.
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The tub is 20" high from the ground, so i dug to 12" with the intent of mounding the ground up on one side. Our yard is slightly downhill, and I want the mound on the high side to divert any erosion/runoff around the tub. The depth and mound might change, but that's the direction I'm going with it.

Tomorrow's project is to make a couple watering troughs. We've had a 10' length of 6" pvc sitting here for about 5 years now...
Finally found a good way to use it.
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I was thinking about making two 5' troughs vs one 10' piece. It's going to be for ~19 ducks in total when the babies grow up. Any thoughts on 1 vs 2 troughs?

I did a good amount of reading here today also. You guys/gals have some resourceful people. I've really enjoyed it here, already. Thanks!
They are going to love that!!
I found that a water source deep enough that they can dive is preferable ( by my girls anyway). Make sure you add a cinder block or something at one end so they can climb out easily.
Good job on the upcycle!!
I got a duck by mistake and fell in love. I went to buy some chickens from a guy and she would’ve been left alone so I took her too. Then she needed a mate and so on.
You’ll really enjoy them.
Welcome. This is a great resource.
Have fun!!
:frow Good morning Diane, have a great day. Chris hasn't been here in a while. We're hoping everything is okay and that he will be returning to us soon.
What does bearding mean?
They hang out on the outside of the hive instead inside where they belong.

Morning all.

bearding photos below..

I am training these gals to attack dux on sight.
It was very nice, but a late start since work had to come first :( All in all it was nice and quite. Talked to all the grandkids😍, received a box from our daughter, had a yummy dinner and Bob made my cake from scratch (so yummy 😋 ).
Hmmm I need to make a picture of Sue. She's the prettiest duck ever.

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