Good Morning, Day, Afternoon, Evening or Night to all inhabitants of the blue marble!

Winds have switched back from SE to NW overnight and it is getting cold again. Maybe i can finish the raised sweet potato bed for next year today…
Wanna come make a raised bed here today?
Good Morning, Day, Afternoon, Evening or Night to all inhabitants of the blue marble!

Winds have switched back from SE to NW overnight and it is getting cold again. Maybe i can finish the raised sweet potato bed for next year today…
What is needed to grow them in the ground? I currently have one growing in water.
Wanna come make a raised bed here today?
Nope! I am really bad with pickaxes. ⛏
What other than cress can you even grow in those two to three weeks of summer up there in the north?

I was able to finish the wooden frame of the raised bed, and could fill it ½ with raw compost and dirt before the ducks demanded their worm tariffs…

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