Okay first off.... how did the Sherriff react to a machete wielding man flying through the bushes?
Secondly, is wrist swollen? Does it feel sore all over or in an exact spot? Is it joint pain, muscle pain or tendon pain?
She led her K9 to the Police cruiser, opened the back door and ordered the dog to jump inside. Then she went to the driver-side door and opened it. I said »Hi! Are you our new neighbours?" To which she replied "Huh?" … Nice communication followed.
Sure, i was hacking pesky brushes to death, but i was on my property, hacking vegetation is not a crime and it was obvious that at that time i was so exhausted that i could barely hold the machete in my hand.
I went to an urgent care center this morning (the same one i visited for that dog bitescratch), they did an x-ray and figured out that i have some micro-fractures in my wrist. No need for any treatment other than a package of pain-killers. I have to go easy on my wrist for a few days and that's it. What does not kill you makes you stronger, in this case literally. I was told that the impact of the machete blade has sent shockwaves into my bones that were a bit too much and that my wrist will heal to be stronger, so in a couple of weeks i will be able to tackle another overgrown driveway… I have about five left!
I'm only taking the pain-killers at night, so that the pain is a permanent reminder to hold back, because i'm stupid…
hi guys I hope all is warm with every one it has been in the teens to low 20s here ice every where . they even called off work last Thursday stse emergrncy. I have been hauling water pails out to the geese and chickens . I think my arms are a foot longer lol,
I hear you! I have hauled a five gallon waterer back and forth between the duck-house and the humon-house multiple times every day before i finally built an automatic waterer out of a 3" pipe and wrapped a pipe-warmer cable around the hose and the outlet to prevent freezing.
I hear you! I have hauled a five gallon waterer back and forth between the duck-house and the humon-house multiple times every day before i finally built an automatic waterer out of a 3" pipe and wrapped a pipe-warmer cable around the hose and the outlet to prevent freezing.
Heated buckets are awesome!
What are they?

I use these and put a regular steel waterer on top of them.

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