Mine doesn't poop in it but my boy likes to eat a mouthful of food, take a drink, mouthful of food, take a drink 😂
There's so much drool in the food that is just soggy when he's done.
I can relate! I moved the food so it’s not next to the water and I’m having less issue with that. I read somewhere that at least six steps between food and water helps and it’s true!
We didn't get any snow but it got below freezing here. But I mean, why wouldn't it?? Our big garden had everything sprouting up big and beautiful. My husband just finished building the coop, so it and the birds have been move in ready for almost a week, but I held off bc I saw we were gonna get a cold front... Lol this is the way my luck runs, so I really should have expected it! Did it snow where y'all were at???
It snowed really heavy, in fact so heavy that the ducks decided to leave their run and go back into their house, but fortunately the snow melted the moment it touched the ground. But we are looking at two frosty nights and i have to cover the salad and the sweet potato-plants that i have already in the ground. I really do hope that was it with winter this year! I have enough of that white fungus!
Heyyyyy! How are them babies doin????
Gah I'm so in love and stressed out! Got the call at 6:45 that they were ready and I could hear them peeping in the background, sped right over and then had to wait until employees started showing up at 8 (even though I could hear people in the back and I was knocking and hollering...they may have thought I was crazy 🙃 )

I'm a tad worried about some of the ducklings, they seem a little too sleepy, but I'm sure they had a crazy ride to get here. Everyone has eaten, drank, and pooped though 👍

Oh! And I had to show my husband the invoice because Cackle threw in two extras and he was giving me the side-eye 😹 will be posting lots of videos and pictures later 🧡
Oh no! I hope she is going to pull through. I'm gonna have to research that meat bird thing.... 4 out of my 6 are pekins. More good vibes sent your way!
Well I don't think she's really sick, just too big for her legs and gets tired at the end of the day. I call it meat bird syndrome, don't know if that's an official name, but it happens to birds that were bred to grow big fast and be slaughter young. They get too big too fast for their legs. I've only had it in Perkins.

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