Thank you, Bob!
How are things in your part of the world, anyway? Is optimism returning, or is Covid still holding things back? How are your poultry?
I think it's kind of a mixed bag. Some are opening the flood gates, while others are more cautious than ever. My birds are doing well. I think Monday I'm going to set eggs to fill spring orders.
Hey y'all! How are things quacking in the quack shack?
Got some new babies a few weeks ago! I told @HuffleClaw that I'd post pics of them for her to see on this thread! 2 Fawn & White Runners, 1 Pekin, and 1 Cayuga. I ordered 5 of each breed, but they came a day late and all of them were dead accept for these 4. @cluckmecoop7 Here are pics for ya!

It's so good to see you again! What sweethearts! ❤️

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