Do you think she is going to have good quality of life? I had to make the terrible decision to euthanize my little Welsh Harlequin duckling a few months ago because she kept having seizures and ending up on her back whenever she ate or drank. It may be a difficult decision you'll have to face. :(
Yes I know. Spending the night on your backing poop is not a good way to live. She's not having seizures that I've seen but watching her closely. She was very happy to be clean and upright. I'm going to give her a few more days but if she doesn't start eating better, she's going to be stock.
Woohoo! - What a nice surprise: The Mallards are back!
I haven't seen them since Thursday evening, but today when i got outside to prepare the Duck's supper bowl, there were about 20 Mallards scooping up whatever they could find to eat in the duckyard. I quickly gave them a good meal, a mix of pellets, BOSS, scratch-grains and cracked corn. They were sooo hungry!
And i have added a suet-feeder to the birb feeding station today, which was quickly accepted by the little chickadees. And there was another new visitor at the feeder today, which i wasn;'t able to identify so far. He/She looked like Woody Woodpecker, but was smaller and without the red cap.
Will try to snatch a picture tomorrow and post here.
And i have added a suet-feeder to the birb feeding station today, which was quickly accepted by the little chickadees. And there was another new visitor at the feeder today, which i wasn;'t able to identify so far. He/She looked like Woody Woodpecker, but was smaller and without the red cap.
Will try to snatch a picture tomorrow and post here.
Try and get a picture. We have at least 3-4 different wood peckers that come to the feeders and some of the females haven't any red on their heads.

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