Are we talking about the same birds?
Here they are much smaller than the crows. - Or we have larger crows?
Same. According to the article, ours is the largest of the sub-species, but I can't see them grabbing a chick or duckling, much less a kitten.

Maybe our (very large crows and ravens) have been colouring their feathers? Or they turned blue from the cold?
Happy Monday to Everybody!

Busy day here, job-wise, weather-wise, crow-wise and duck-wise:
  • New challenging project, doing my best to prevent scope-creep. Can't remember how many times i used the word »sow« last week… 🤯
  • Weather is lousy here, one shower chases the other, can't do anything outside. But it is good for plant growth. 🌿🌱
  • The crows here are becoming cocky here: Yesterday they destroyed four eggs, today at least two (only looked on the camera) inside the duck-house. Somehow i need to put in a scare-crow into the house… 💀
  • Momma Mallard seems to have lost one of her ducklings, this morning she showed up with just two in tow. During yesterday's bad weather (rain-storms) i heart some duck-commotion in the pasture, i assume something bad has happened.
  • I killed an opossum yesterday night! - It went into the duck-house right before i wanted to lock up the ducks and attacked Pompom and Tweedledee duck who always go to bed early. I heart them screaming, grabbed the shovel and got into a fight. At first i thought i was fighting a raccoon, it was a very large and very aggressive male opossum. - Fortunately Pompom and Tweedledee are both uninjured and okay.
Same. According to the article, ours is the largest of the sub-species, but I can't see them grabbing a chick or duckling, much less a kitten.

Maybe our (very large crows and ravens) have been colouring their feathers? Or they turned blue from the cold?
The crows here are definitely larger, but the Bluejays are wayyy LOUDER! - No cloaked crows!
Happy Monday to Everybody!

Busy day here, job-wise, weather-wise, crow-wise and duck-wise:
  • New challenging project, doing my best to prevent scope-creep. Can't remember how many times i used the word »sow« last week… 🤯
  • Weather is lousy here, one shower chases the other, can't do anything outside. But it is good for plant growth. 🌿🌱
  • The crows here are becoming cocky here: Yesterday they destroyed four eggs, today at least two (only looked on the camera) inside the duck-house. Somehow i need to put in a scare-crow into the house… 💀
  • Momma Mallard seems to have lost one of her ducklings, this morning she showed up with just two in tow. During yesterday's bad weather (rain-storms) i heart some duck-commotion in the pasture, i assume something bad has happened.
  • I killed an opossum yesterday night! - It went into the duck-house right before i wanted to lock up the ducks and attacked Pompom and Tweedledee duck who always go to bed early. I heart them screaming, grabbed the shovel and got into a fight. At first i thought i was fighting a raccoon, it was a very large and very aggressive male opossum. - Fortunately Pompom and Tweedledee are both uninjured and okay.
Your firat weapon in reach is a shovel?!? You must be from my neck of the woods!!
Your firat weapon in reach is a shovel?!? You must be from my neck of the woods!!
I grabbed the first thing i could get my hands on when i heart my ducks screaming. Bigmouth-rat was lucky that it was a shovel and not a broom. The raccoon four years ago was not so lucky…
If something attacks my ducks i black out. I would have killed that garbage-bag with my bare hands, would even have bitten its neck.

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